Tag: air conditioner trouble

When To Know You’re In Need of AC Repair in Houston

4 Telltale Signs That Your Air Conditioner Could Be In Trouble

Within the state of Texas, we are all used to endless heat and temperatures getting to an unimaginable peak in the middle of the summer. When this happens, it is crucial that you have an air conditioning system that is efficiently operating and fully functional.

Have you had your system checked within the last year or six months? If so, and you have a heat pump, your cooling system will have a decent chance of surviving throughout the season without a drop in efficiency or many issues. However, there is little that even professional maintenance can help to avoid some issues calling for professional HVAC contractors Houston TX area. This is why you need to know what to look for when there may be signs that your system is in trouble:

AC Man Houston | AC Problems in Houston1. Funny Noises

By now, you probably have a good idea of what your air conditioning system sounds like each day when it is on. There will be a regular cycle where the compressor turns on and then shuts down, and you also have the fans humming. What you need to look for is any sort of unusual noise amidst the regular sounds.

Unfamiliar or strange sounds can be an indication that something is going on inside your cooling system. For example, a clanging or clattering can mean that the mechanical elements are loose. Any hissing can mean that the refrigerant is leaking or coming out of the system. With any screeching or grinding noise, it could be telling you that the motor is wearing down and it could potentially burn out and then render your cooling system completely useless.

2. Short-Cycling

This is a process where the compressor will shut off and then come back on quickly. Listen to the compressor, and if you hear it going on and off around every 15 minutes, it is best that you contact HVAC contractors Houston TX, because it is likely something is wrong.

There could be several causes for your air conditioner short-cycling. There could be an air filter that is clogged, so be sure that you change it out every one to three months as needed. It could also be the loss of refrigerant, a miscalibrated thermostat, or you could have an air conditioner that was not properly sized when it was installed.

3. Uneven Cooling

This may be a sign of air conditioner trouble that is less noticeable than others. When you have one or more rooms in your home that are not getting the same cooling level, you need to have it checked because the chances are good that something is wrong. There could also be issues with the windows needing weatherstripping or problems with inadequate insulation.

There could also be breaches in your ductwork, where conditioned and cooled air is leaking into other unoccupied spaces instead of getting into the rooms that require it. Another cause could be that the AC system is not getting cooling power due to refrigerant loss. Our qualified HVAC technicians are able to check everything out and find out what the source of the issue is.

4. Foul Smells

When your air conditioner comes on for the first time after being through the winter season, you can expect some dusty smells. This is completely normal, as this is only the dust that has built up in the ducts throughout the slower season and into the beginning of the spring.

This odor should completely go away in just an hour or so, meaning that if it goes on the past that, it is very likely that the motor could be overheating and starting to burn out. There could also be an indication that there is some sort of electrical problem, so you need to shut the air conditioner off and call our HVAC contractors Houston TX for an inspection and repair as soon as possible.

Whenever you want quality air conditioning service you can count on, simply call our professional HVAC contractors Houston TX area today!