Tag: Hvac Houston Tx

Replace Your Air Filters With Proper Houston HVAC Maintenance

AC Filter Replacing With AC Man Of Houston

Even though it looks like a pointless work, changing your home’s air filter regularly is the alpha of saving money and helping protect your family to stay healthy. However, the million-dollar question is, when should you go for a new filter? Well, below are some factors to consider before making the switch.

Types of Filters

Filters differ from one another in many ways and this is a fact. The difference depends on your air conditioning unit (e.g. Is it located outside or inside). At the same time, expensive filters have been made of quality and durable materials. Furthermore, they apply the latest filtration technology. Therefore, if you purchase a cheaper filter, you will save money, but ion the short-term. HEPA (High-efficiency Particulate Air) filters which are recognized by different Environmental Protection Agencies are the best option. They have been certified to remove at least 99.97% of harmful particles in the air.

Seasonal Factors

Weather can affect the performance of your AC unit. An air conditioner is highly used during warm months (summer) and it is during warm months when pollen and other air pollutants overload the filter. At the same time, moisture causes seals to damage, which leads to leakage of cool air. HVAC professionals advice to people is to cover their outdoor unit during the winter season to protect it from the weather.

Home Residents

The frequency at which you should change your AC filter is affected by everyone in that home. What does this mean? Well, it simply means that your family and the level of comfort they need affects the number of times you will change your AC’s filter. For example, if you or any other person in your family has allergies, then you are forced to change the air filter frequently.

A person with allergies will defiantly feel better if they have few symptoms. Moreover, if you have a pet in your home, you are required to change the air filter regularly.

Houston HVAC Efficiency

Changing an air filter is the beginning of saving money. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, a person can reduce the energy used by an air conditioner up 10% if they replaced their air filters regularly. This does help reduce the cost of the electric bill. Changing the air filter does also help improve airflow, which makes the AC run efficiently and properly. Remember, replacing air filters is much less compared to replacing the whole unit.

HVAC Services in Houston

We take pride in our services and always looking to meet our customer’s satisfaction level, timeline, and improve their experience. AC Man of Houston is the place to go for all your AC problems and services. call us today for consultation and scheduling. You can also call us to know more about our heating and cooling services.

Contact us now for more information or visit our blog for more related articles.

Consult Our Houston HVAC Experts On How To Seal Leaks In Your Home

Sealing Air Leaks Around Your Home – HVAC Repair In Houston

Leaks are a clear indicator that the pipes in your home are faulty or worn out. Most homeowners are well aware of the losses a leaky sink can cost them in terms of expensive repairs and high water bills. Air leaks are also equally destructive but unfortunately, many homeowners do not treat them with the same seriousness and urgency. When air leaks are left unresolved for a long period of time, they can result in a sharp increase in power bills as well as reduced weather insulation in your home. You can take charge of your energy consumption by identifying and repairing any and all air leaks in your home. The tips below should help you achieve this.

What Are Air Leaks?

Closely identical to pipe leaks, air leaks are specific areas where your home’s warmed or cooled air escapes to the outside world. When this happens, energy is lost in the process of regulating the air that escapes and also from your system working harder to keep your home’s indoor temperature ideal. Your energy bills inevitably go up. Air leaks are common in thin walls facing the outdoors or along ductwork and piping in the inside walls of your home. When looking for air leaks, it is important to carefully scrutinize the following areas:

  • Garage doors and walls
  • Fireplace walls and chimneys
  • Attic walls
  • Piping and duct shafts
  • Recessed lighting
  • Outdoor-facing walls in the common areas
  • Exterior doors and windows
  • Walls situated between attached units or extensions

Your local HVAC technician can help you to assess these and many other areas for possible air leaks in your home.

How Can I Stop Air Leaks From Affecting My Power Bills?

Older homes and homes built on a tight schedule may not be properly constructed or equipped with the quality materials needed to mitigate air leaks. As years go by, the weather and caulking stripping on your home’s weakest points can gradually wither and decompose causing exposure of air vents to outdoor elements. Luckily, there is a solution to this problem known as resealing. Resealing your home is a fast, reliable and affordable way of fixing air leaks. A professional HVAC technician can help you to repair any existing leaks as well reapply a lasting weather and caulking stripping to your home.

If you want to be fully certain that your home is able to maintain the temperature you choose, there are numerous upgrades you can make to ensure the air inside your home stays in and the air outside remains out. Replacing your exterior-facing doors and windows with more energy-efficient options can enable your HVAC system to work less and therefore run longer. You should also ensure that you have pliable sealing thresholds along all door bottoms.

In homes with fireplace flues, kitchen fans or dryer vents, installing coverings for all these fixtures is important to prevent air from escaping to the outdoors.

Save Money on Your Power Bills By Seeking Help From AC Man of Houston

Energy and power bills are probably one of the biggest cost a homeowner has to incur on a monthly basis. You shouldn’t allow air leaks to force your energy bills to get out of hand. Take action today to ensure that your home is properly outfitted, caulked and sealed with energy-efficient doors and windows.

Residents of Houston can get help with air leaks by calling AC Man of Houston. We specialize in top-notch energy-efficiency services. We are more than willing to help you out so don’t shy away from contacting us or calling today!

Should I Cover My Air Conditioner?

Do Air Conditioners Need To Be Covered During The Winter?

Your residential HVAC system requires maintenance periodically throughout the year. When fall turns into winter, it is then the ideal time to get your Houston AC ready for the weather that lies ahead. Later in the year, as the hot days of summer transition into the cooler days of fall, it is time to shift your focus to your furnace or heating system. One question that many people ask AC Man Of Houston is whether their air conditioner needs to be covered when it is not in use during the winter season or to protect it from bad weather.

Covers Provide Protection Against Outside Elements

A lot of times, people mistakenly believe that they need to cover their air conditioner during the winter months. In fact, it is far more important to cover the outdoor Houston AC during the autumn season. This is the time of year when leaves, seeds, and other small bits of debris are falling from the trees. If these items become caught in your Houston AC unit, they can trap moisture, which can eventually cause the surface to corrode. Accumulated piles of leaves may also interfere with your air conditioning unit’s ability to drain. At the same time, you need to use caution when covering your Houston AC. Avoid covering the entire Houston AC unit. Instead, purchase a cover that extends approximately half a foot down each side of the unit. Make sure that at least a portion of the unit is exposed to the air to keep moisture from becoming trapped underneath the cover. Any moisture or condensation that can’t escape could lead to rusting or corrosion.

Protect Your Houston AC From Bad Weather

One common misconception that people have is that air conditioners need to be carefully protected from the weather. This probably stems from the fact that many summertime accessories have to be stored away during the winter. For instance, lawn chairs, patio tables, and other types of outdoor furniture are usually covered or kept indoors during the winter to keep them from getting damaged. Most Houston AC systems are tough enough, however, that they don’t need to be covered. Below are some of the primary reasons why people cover their units along with additional information on whether or not a cover is actually necessary.

1. Dirt In The AC

As your air conditioner operates, it draws in air from the surrounding area. Sometimes, it also draws in the dirt along with that air. After the unit is turned off, however, dirt is extremely unlikely to get inside, meaning that you shouldn’t need to cover it when it is not in use.

2. Ice Or Snow In Your AC

The companies that manufacture air conditioners design them to be strong enough to withstand extreme conditions during the winter months. Typically, a cover is not required to protect your unit from the weather.

3. AC Water Damage

Any type of moisture can cause damage to your air conditioner over time. Unfortunately, moisture is something that is impossible to prevent. This is especially true if you live in a humid environment. Even if your unit is covered, moisture can still get in. Covering your unit can make the situation even worse, however, since a cover can keep moisture trapped inside your Houston AC, preventing it from escaping. This can lead to problems with mold, rust, and corrosion. To avoid this problem, most experts recommend not using a cover.

4. Small Creatures

Critters like rodents tend to be drawn to places that are covered and protected when the weather changes. In this case, leaving your unit uncovered may help discourage these animals from taking up residence inside your Houston AC.

To Cover Or Not To Cover?

If you own an air conditioner, it is important to know when it should be covered and when it should be left uncovered. As a general rule of thumb, the only time that you should cover your unit is during the autumn when leaves are falling off of the trees. Make sure to choose a cover that fits the unit correctly. During the rest of the year, you should be able to leave your unit uncovered without worrying about it sustaining any damage.

For more information on Houston AC systems, contact us today by giving us a call at (713) 460-2653. If you would like to read more related content be sure to check out our blog!

Types Of HVAC Systems

HVAC Basics

HVAC, which stands for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning, is a type of technology that can deliver both hot and cold air to a home. The entire purpose of these systems is to make indoor environments safe and comfortable. It can be helpful to learn more about this kind of residential or commercial technology. There are four varieties of Houston HVAC systems. AC Man of Houston pinpoints the 4 varieties of Houston HVAC systems to help you better understand the different types that exist. Every system type is available in different sizes and with different specifications, which means you should be able to find something that meets the needs of your home or business.

1. Heating and AC Split Systems

It’s very common to see split heating and AC systems. These models require system components to be placed inside and outside of a building. The majority of split Houston HVAC systems have the following qualities:

  • An AC system that can cool the refrigerant.
  • Furnaces that are paired with a fan or an evaporator coil that is used to convert the refrigerant before circulating air.
  • A thermostat or control panel that allows you to manage your system.
  • Ducts that spread air throughout a building.
  • Accessories that improve indoor air quality, such as humidifiers, purifiers, UV lamps, and air cleaners.

2. Hybrid Heat Split Systems

A hybrid heat system is a more advanced version of a traditional split system. These systems are more energy efficient than classic split systems. Typically, these systems have a heat pump that allows for an electrically fueled system that is above a standard gas furnace. A cost-effective, high-quality hybrid heat split system will offer:

  • A heat pump that can cool or heat the refrigerant.
  • A furnace
  • An evaporator coil that can convert the refrigerant and circulate air.
  • Ducts that can distribute air throughout a building.

An interface that allows you to control and adjust your system, as well as optional accessories that are designed to improve air quality.

3. Duct-Free Split HVAC Systems

In some properties, a standard Houston HVAC system that uses ducts isn’t a good fit. Thankfully, a duct-free split system is also an option. It’s also possible to use these systems alongside an existing duct HVAC system. A duct-free split system should provide:

  • Heat pumps and an air conditioner that allows the refrigerant to be cooled and heated.
  • A compact fan coil.
  • Tubing and wires that connect the fan coil to the outdoor unit.
  • A control panel or thermostat.
  • Optional accessories that will clean and purify the air before it is spread throughout a building.

4. Packaged Houston HVAC Systems

Smaller homes and offices might not have room for the many components of a split system. A packaged Houston HVAC system can work very well in a space like this. These units are specifically designed to distribute hot and cool air throughout confined spaces. You can expect a packaged HVAC system to contain:

  • A unit that combines an air conditioner and heat pump with an evaporator and fan coil.
  • A thermostat or control panel that provides full control over the system.
  • Option accessories to enhance air quality, such as ventilators, air cleaners, UV lamps, or purifiers.

Now that you’re familiar with the four types of Houston HVAC systems, it will be easier for you to find the right system for your home. Ultimately, the goal of any Houston HVAC system is to keep a home comfortable by distributing clean air throughout a building. This lesson has prepared you to choose the ideal system for your own home. Use this information so that you can find a system that meets all of your needs.

Check out our blog for more related content. For more information on Houston HVAC services, contact AC Man Of Houston today by giving us a call at (713) 460-2653. Contact us today for any questions or concerns.

Houston AC Repair: Why Is My Air Conditioning System Not Cooling?

AC Repair Houston: Reasons Why Your Air Conditioner Is Not Keeping You Cool

Do you have an air conditioner running in your home, yet the air is not truly cool? Maybe it is blowing out warm or just plain hot air. There are several things that may be wrong with your A/C if it is not working properly. Below you are going to find the solutions to some very easy fixes that may help you to get it running properly and what can only be fixed by a professional.

Easy Air Conditioner Problems That You Can Fix

Problem 1: Thermostat Mistakes

Do you have an A/C that blows cold air at times and lukewarm other times? This may be due to the fan setting being switched to “ON”, which is going to cause the fan to run all the time, even when the air is not being cooled by the unit. Easy Solution: Simply ensure that the thermostat is set to work on “AUTO”.

Problem 2: Air Filter Issues

A dirty air filter is going to reduce the amount of air flow in the unit, which can cause several problems. First, the unit is going to struggle to circulate the correct amount of air that is needed to bring the house to the desired temperature. In addition, the evaporator coil is going to freeze up and air will not be able to circulate at all, meaning you get almost zero cool air. Solution: Take the air filter out and examine it to see if it needs a cleaning. If you are indeed having issues with your residential air conditioner, contact an ac repair Houston professional today.

Problem 3: Dirty Unit

The way an air conditioner cools a house is a rather simple process. The evaporator takes hot air in and transfers it to the outside unit known as the condenser. However, if the condenser is dirty or covered, it is not going to be able to dissipate that heat correctly. This causes the unit to overwork and not be able to cool the home properly. Solution: Gently clean the outside of the unit with a garden hose, clearing off the debris. It is important that you do not spray the unit with the hose on the highest setting as this may bend the fins that allow airflow to the condenser. While you are outside, be sure to remove all tall weeds and leaves away from the unit. You want your unit to have the ability to breathe on those hot summer days too! A clean and well-maintenanced air conditioner will bring about better indoor air quality.

Problems Only An AC Repair Houston Expert Can Solve

There are going to be problems that only a ac repair Houston professional can take on, these are just a few of them.

Problem 1: Broken Or Faulty Condenser Fan Motor

If the init’s fan has gone bad, there is no way that it can dissipate heat, which simply means you are not going to get any cold air.

Problem 2: Low Refrigerant

The refrigerant that is found in the unit is the key ingredient to absorbing the heat from the air. When there is not enough refrigerant in the unit, it is not going to be able to cool the air. If you do have low refrigerant it more than likely means you have a leak. Some typical signs that you have a leak include:

  • Ice found on the outside of the unit and refrigerant line.
  • A hissing or bubbling noise coming from the unit.
  • The unit can not cool the home on hot sunny days but is able to work fine in the evening or on cool days.

If you see any of these signs, it is time to turn the unit and call an ac repair Houston professional as soon as possible. When you run the unit in this state, it is possible to damage the unit beyond any possible repair.

Problem 3: Faulty Compressor

The compressor of your unit is the heart of the system, it is the part that circulates the refrigerant through the unit and helps to cool it. If this part is damaged, the unit is going to be unable to cool the house. If the compressor is damaged, it is going to need to be replaced. However, this can be a rather expensive process. If you do not have a warranty on the unit, it may be best to simply replace the unit at this point.

For more insight on the latest AC Man Of Houston, articles check out our blog. If you are interested in speaking with a professional AC Repair Houston expert, contact by giving us a call today at (713) 460-2653tel:(713) 460-2653

#1 Air Conditioner Repair Houston Expert: How Often Should An A/C Be Replaced? 

A Guide On How Often Your AC Needs To Get Replaced By A Top Air Conditioner Repair Houston Professional

One of the hardest decisions for any homeowner to make is when it’s time to get a new air conditioner or repair it. While a new air conditioner can be rather expensive, in many cases it is the best decision. However, knowing when it is time to get a new air conditioner can be difficult to understand. Below are six signs that are going to help you make the right decision. We understand that deciding whether you should replace or repair an air conditioner is difficult. There are many times when an old AC still has many years of life in it and does not need to be replaced, that will surely reduce ac costs along with smart ac controllers that can better monitor old and new ac systems to understand how much you’re using. This guide was written to help you save money and make the best decision possible. So, let’s get right down to the nitty-gritty and find out whether you need to repair or replace your air conditioner.

Over A Decade Old Air Conditioner

In many cases, the typical lifespan of a well-maintained air conditioner is about 15 years. However, if your air conditioner is 10 years old and needs extensive repairs, is more than likely best to replace it. This is especially true when you look at all the advances that have been made in air conditioning technology within the last few years. If your AC is this old then it is time to reach out to your #1 source for air conditioning maintenance and repair services in Houston.

An AC That Is Inefficient

If the air conditioner you are using right now has a low SEER rating, it is costing you more to run it than it is worth. New air conditioners on the market today must have a rating of at least a 13. If the air conditioner in your home or business has a SEER rating that is under 13, by replacing with a new air conditioner you are going to cut your energy costs dramatically.

Extensive A/C Repairs

If the unit that is being worked on has an extensive repair last, it is best to weigh the costs of replacing it when looking for an ac repair contractor. If the amount to repair an older unit would cover the vast majority of a new unit, it is typically going to make more sense financially to invest in a newer unit.

AC Is Constantly Breaking Down

Do you have an air conditioner that seems to break down every other week or month? Do you know the air conditioner repairman by the first name? This probably means your air conditioner is breaking down more often than it should. These types of repair bills are going to add up really quick, and it makes no sense to keep a unit in this condition. We recommend remain in friends with your air conditioner repairman, but letting the unit go.

A/C R 22 Freon

Freon is one of those chemicals that has been slowly phased out by the federal government in an effort to conserve energy across the nation. Due to this phaseout, the cost of Freon has risen exponentially over the years. If you are using an air conditioner that runs on Freon, it is going to have to be replaced eventually. If your air-conditioner is giving you major troubles and it uses Freon, is simply just a good idea to purchase a new unit.

Air Conditioner Is Not Cooling Your Home

Does it feel that your home is almost as warm as it is outside? This is a problem with an air conditioner system that is not running as efficiently as it should. It also may be an incorrect size were simply too old to function as it should. If your air conditioner is not able to keep your home cool, it is time to replace it with the unit that can. Indoor air quality is very important.

Houston Air Conditioner Repair

If you have any questions about whether you should replace or repair your air conditioner system, called the best air conditioner repair Houston has to offer today! AC Man of Houston offers air conditioner financing. There is no sense to continue to use air conditioner split systems that are not efficient and are not able to cool your house down correctly. In many cases, a new unit is going to save you more money in the long run than constantly repairing an old unit. However, there are those times when an older unit still has several years of life left in it. This is why it is essential to contact AC Man Of Houston today and let us observe your unit and give you the best advice we possibly can. Give us a call.

A Top-Rated AC Repair Houston Company Talks About The Way Air Conditioners Work

A Guide By The #1 AC Repair Company On How Air Conditioners Work In Houston

If you moved recently from a house where you mainly used window-mounted air conditioners, fans, or were considering having a central air unit installed, you might not be that familiar with central air conditioning systems. However, don’t worry. We are here to help you with AC repair Houston services. Air conditioning units work the same way that the refrigerator does, just on a bigger scale. Basically, your air conditioner converts gas quickly into liquid and then back again through using a chemical that transfers heat from in the air from inside of your house to the outside.


Basically how it works is that heat is pulled out of a home by split cooling systems with refrigerant that circulates in between the air handler and condenser. Cool air is distributed by the supply ducts from the air handler into the rooms in your house. Warm air is carried back by the return ducts to the air handler so that it can be cooled and filtered through a 16x25x1 furnance Filter or similar. When ducts are sized properly they deliver conditioned air quietly and evenly throughout your home. We offer many services at our ac repair Houston company, especially for residential properties.


Every room needs to have two grilles at least: one that is connected to a return and the other to a supply duct. Supply registers should ideally be located near or on the ceiling, while return registers should be on or near the floor.

Air Handlers

This type of indoor equipment comes with an expansion valve that transforms refrigeration into a cool liquid that flows throughout the evaporator coils. Air is pushed over the coils by a blower, which heats up the refrigerant into the gas form that is returned to the condenser.


A warm gaseous refrigerant is taken from your house, and then the compressor pressurizes it and condenses it back into liquid form as the coils are cooled by a fan.

Indoor Unit

Typically the indoor unit is located in a basement or closet close to where the furnace filter is. The unit is comprised of a coil box containing the evaporator. The evaporator enables the refrigerant – which is a cooling fluid contained inside of the coiled piping and referred to by its brand name sometimes – to absorb heat and evaporate. After the heat has been absorbed from inside of your house, only cool air is left and sent back into your house. Just like water absorbs heat from the stove to evaporate or boil, heat is absorbed by refrigerant from your home. That means that both refrigerant and water turn to vapor from a liquid as heat is absorbed. we offer ac repair Houston services for commercial properties.

Outdoor Unit

Usually, the outdoor unit is located on the side or rear of the house. This is where the heat gets dispersed from inside of your house. It is comprised of a fan, condenser coil, and compressor. The heat that is absorbed from the air in your home gets transferred over to the refrigerant. Next, it gets pumps into the outdoor unit. The heat gets absorbed and the refrigerant moves it over to the outdoor coil, where it passes through the unit’s compressor. The main job of the compressor is to move the refrigerant throughout the air conditioning system. That is important since you can then continue to reuse the refrigerant for cooling your home. This refrigerant gets compressed into a higher pressure and then is moved throughout the condenser or outdoor coil. As the refrigerant is passing through the condenser, ambient air is delivered by a fan across the system’s condenser coil which causes it to cool down. As this process is complete, the heat inside of your home gets dispersed into the air outside of your home. Then the refrigerant gets pumped back inside and the entire process repeats itself.

Were you aware that cooling your home was less about cold air being increase and more about eliminating existing heat? For more related articles check out our ac repair Houston blog or call us for assistance.

An Electronic Filter Monitor Is Useful For Your Houston Air Conditioner

The Benefits Of Using An Electronic Filter Monitor

If you live in Houston, then you want to take care of your air conditioning system. Part of doing this is taking care of your air filters, which trap dust, dirt and other allergens. They do need to be replaced from time to time because if you don’t replace them, then your system may slow down in terms of efficiency, and you might have to contact a company that provides AC repair in Houston TX.

However, it’s easy to forget that you have to change your air filter. With that said, there is something you can do. You can invest in an electronic filter monitor.

AC Man Houston | Air Conditioning Filters HoustonWhat Is It

An electronic filter monitor is a device that tracks your air filter’s status. It tracks how well it is working and it will alert you when the filter doesn’t filter as good as it should be. In fact, as soon as your filter stops working as good as it should, you will be alerted.

There are various models to choose from. Some are capable of sending you alerts via text or email. This is convenient because real-time reporting allows you to take action as soon as you’re notified about your air filter.

How Can An Electronic Filter Monitor Help

You’ll be able to keep an eye on your system. Before potential issues with your filter occurs, you’ll be able to take action. This means you won’t have to worry about losing cold air during the summer or breathing in harsh allergens and debris by accident.

If an air filter is too dirty and clogged, then your AC system will be forced to work harder than necessary. Eventually, your energy bills will skyrocket. By keeping an eye on the status of your filter, you’ll be able to make sure your system is running as efficiently as it should be running.

If you need AC repair in Houston TX, then contact a professional. They will be able to help you with any issue you have with your system, including your air filters. Contact an expert today or call AC Man Houston and they’ll be more than happy to answer any questions you have.

HVAC 101: The AC Evaporator

Understanding Houston HVAC Parts- Evaporator

This blog series is devoted to exploring and describing the parts and functions making up your air conditioning system. This will help you get a better understanding of how these components work together and will help you take good care of your HVAC system and prevent the need for Houston TX HVAC repair.

This blog looks at the air conditioner’s evaporator. Here are some related Articles:

Understanding HVAC Parts in Houston – The Condenser
How An Expansion Valve Works

AC Man Houston | Houston HVAC PartsWhat An Evaporator Does

The evaporator is located in the top of the system unit and is comprised of coils. This is the case for most air conditioners, but not all. Refrigerant will goe from the condenser to the evaporator in its cooled, liquid state.

Once the refrigerant is there, it meets with low pressure. This low pressure turns the refrigerant into a gas. The gas then absorbs heat from the air. It is the absorption of heat that cools your home’s inside. Once this process is complete, the gas goes back tot he condenser and it happens all over again.

Why The Evaporator Is Important

Without an evaporator, the air conditioner would not cool the air in your house. When the evaporator turns the refrigerant into gas, it allows the refrigerant to do its job of getting hot air out of your house.

Maintain Your Evaporator

Your evaporator works hard to keep your home cool. This is why it is important to maintain it. The first step is to keep the coils clean. If they are not clean they trap dirt and block the absorption of heat. Coils should be kept clean even during winter. Moisture on the evaporator can freeze causing it to perform inefficiently.

If you ever notice a change in the way your air conditioner cools your house, get in touch with an HVAC expert at AC Man Houston or you can call us now for immediate assistance. We will schedule an appointment for either a repair or maintenance to keep your home as comfortable as it needs to be.

Understanding HVAC Parts in Houston – The Condenser

Whether summer is well underway or you merely live in a warm climate, you probably have your air conditioner on more often than not. (That’s especially true in the Houston area!) Unfortunately, it’s easy to take an amazing machine like an AC for granted. We tend to act as if they’ll always turn on without a hitch, but all of the intricate inner workings are prone to developing several problems over time. For instance, just take the all-important condenser into consideration.

Related Articles:

How An HVAC Expansion Valve Works

What Does An Air Conditioner Condenser Do?

AC Man Houston | Houston AC RepairAs your HVAC system chugs along in an effort to cool down the air in your home, it actually absorbs the heat within the room and then releases it outside. This ever-important action relies largely upon the condenser. The part of the unit facing or located outdoors generally hosts this part so that it can dispose of the absorbed heat properly.

As liquids are turned into gases, there’s a natural degree of heat absorption. On a scientific level, this is precisely what’s going on as your air conditioner works to cool you down. It also has liquid refrigerant that works in tandem with an evaporator to take the heat away. Once this happens, the liquid can turn into a gas. The room can’t be cooled without the absorbed heat being released, however. That’s precisely where the condenser comes into play.

As the gas form of the refrigerant is put under a specific amount of pressure, the heat can then be released outdoors. The refrigerant then turns back into a liquid. It all sounds quite complicated, but the basic premise is quite simple, and a well-kept HVAC system can handle the job without issue.

General Condenser Maintenance

As alluded to earlier, the inner workings of an air conditioner are quite intricate, and one part relies on the next for the entire system to remain in working order. Some of the essential parts are the fans, coils, motor, tubes, and so on. After repeated use and years of wear and tear, these parts can break down. The condenser, of course, is no exception.

If you want to keep this from happening, be sure to clean it on a fairly regular basis. Otherwise, debris from the elements outside will build up quite easily. Cleanup is as simple as spraying the part with a water hose, so there’s no excuse to let it slip by.

You should also do your best to cut down on the amount of debris that might come into contact with the condenser. This means cleaning your yard regularly as well. Make sure to remove any leaves, loose grass, and stray limbs that might be nearby.

If you take good care of your condenser and you notice it’s still having a hard time, it’s likely time to consult a professional. AC Man Houston is proud to provide you with the best AC repair in Houston TX. Feel free to get in touch as soon as possible and an appointment can be arranged to see precisely what can be done to keep your AC in tip-top form. Call today!