Category: Air Conditioning Repair

A Working Air Conditioner Means A Working Team For Your Business

Improve Work Place Productivity With Proper Temperature Control

AC Man Houston | Houston AC and Temperature ControlAre you having trouble maintaining a consistent temperature in your workplace? Are your employees telling you they are too hot or too cold? One of the best ways to help improve employee performance and increase productivity is to provide a comfortable workplace. This means a temperate environment as well as quality furnishings and updated technology. If an employee is uncomfortable because it is too hot or too cold, their performance will begin to lag. It is your responsibility as the business owner or manager to provide your employees a comfortable place to work.

One of the best ways to maintain a comfortable environment is to schedule a regular inspection of the climate control system. Scheduling air conditioning services in Houston TX will help ensure your climate control system is working at maximum efficiency. Sometimes it may be time to replace your commercial HVAC system. If a workplace is too hot or too cold, your employees can become distracted as they attempt to make themselves more comfortable. They can’t focus on the task at hand and will not be providing maximum productivity. When you do all you can to create a comfortable working environment, your employees will be happier and much more productive.

Increase Productivity By Creating A Comfortable Workplace

It is true that summer heat in Texas can be almost overwhelming. If someone works in a building without an adequate climate control system, they can end up miserable as they suffer in an overheated workplace. This is why it is extremely important to provide an efficient air conditioning system when summer heat gets unbearable. Research has shown that employees who are forced to work in an uncomfortable environment that is too hot or too cold may experience increased stress and lose productivity. If this happens, it can negatively impact your business’ bottom line.

A strong and effective air conditioning or climate control system can result in several improvements to a working environment:

1. Better employee productivity.

When a work place temperature is uncomfortable, employee productivity may drop. When employees are too hot they may feel irritable or sluggish. If they are shivering as they work, they may find themselves having trouble typing or writing or they may become numb and tired. When employees work in a comfortable, temperate environment, they are more comfortable and their productivity may drastically improve. This provides an overall better experience for everyone involved, both customers and employees alike.

If you have a storefront, you certainly want to ensure the environmental temperature is comfortable. Customers who get too hot or are too cold will leave without making a purchase. If you bring clients into the office, they certainly will be uncomfortable if the office is too hot or too cold and this may impact their desire to do business with you.

2. Improved Concentration.

Another benefit of a temperate and comfortable working environment is improved concentration in all employees. When they are comfortable, employees will work harder and produce more.

3. Equipment Lifespan.

The right temperature in a work place can also help extend the life of equipment and keep it working properly. Today’s businesses depend on technology and technology operates best if the environmental temperature is correct. IT equipment is especially susceptible to changes in environmental temperatures, so maintaining a temperate environment will help keep your equipment operating properly.

In Conclusion

In Houston, TX, the AC Man performs routine commercial air conditioning inspections, repairs, and installations. Our staff of certified technicians will ensure your system is operating at peak efficiency. We also offer HVAC maintenance agreements which can help reduce your costs and extend the life of your climate control system.

So call or contact us today to speak with one of our specialists about any problems or concerns you may be having with your businesses HVAC system.

How To Handle The Strange Sounds Coming From Your HVAC Unit

Common AC System Noises: How To Handle Them

AC Man Houston | AC Noises in Houston TexasThanks to the ever advancing technology, air conditioners are more efficient and very silently. As a matter of fact, some of the newest models can run without you noticing they are even on. Nevertheless, the units still produce some sounds such as the initial click with switched on, or the humming sound when at a higher setting.  While some of the sounds produced are considered normal, it’s advisable to keep an ear for new/strange noises from these systems.  Some of the strange noises may be an indicator that something is broken or you have a malfunctioning part. This is just one of the many problems that may be posed with your HVAC unit.

Most HVAC systems kick into a higher gear when temperatures soar high above the standard setting. This puts an extra strain on the system, which may at times put it at risk. If the system has been producing strange noises lately, you then should have an HVAC repair expert run diagnostics.  Some of the strange noises you should take note of include:

1. Clanking and Banging

Banging and clanking sounds inside the AC system can be an indicator of a loose or broken part. Such shouldn’t be left unattended. The clanking sounds could be as a result of a faulty compressor. Turn off the system and contact a professional HVAC technician for diagnosis and repair. Leaving the system running despite the sounds could damage other parts of the air conditioner.

2. Clicking

Almost all HVAC systems click when the system comes on or goes off automatically. This happens as the system works to maintain the set temperature. Nonetheless, constant clicking sounds indicate something is wrong and needs to be checked. The system may click consistently if there’s an electrical issue, or if the thermostat is failing. Have an expert look into this to determine and address the issue.

Almost all HVAC systems click when the system comes on or goes off automatically. This happens as the system works to maintain the set temperature. Nonetheless, constant clicking sounds indicate something is wrong and needs to be checked. The system may click consistently if there’s an electrical issue, or if the thermostat is failing. Have an expert look into this to determine and address the issue.

3. Hissing

A malfunctioning valve or air leak may produce a hissing sound whenever the system kicks in. While you could seal the leak, a certified electrician may diagnose the main problem, hence prevent a bigger problem in days to come.

4. Grinding

Grinding noises from the system can be startling. While an expert may need to confirm the problem, these noises often surface when the fan motors start to fail. These motors are responsible for pushing air through the duct work, hence vital for the system’s cooling efficiency. The motors may have to be cleaned/serviced professionally, or replaced altogether to restore the AC’s performance.

5. Bubbling

Screaming or bubbling sounds from your AC system should be taken very seriously. These sounds indicate a possible refrigerant leak and the coolant is poisonous hence can affect your health. A leaking refrigerant could damage the entire unit too, which is why you need to have it checked immediately. Turn off the system as a precautionary measure, then have a professional identify the leaking part, seal it, then refill the compressor.

Detecting these sounds early and having any current issues handled should help your AC system last much longer.

Additional Advice and Support

Many of the strange noises produced by AC systems surface during summer when temperatures are at the highest.  This could also happen if the system isn’t serviced regularly. One of the best ways to reduce such incidences is having the systems serviced and maintained at least twice annually. It is during the regular inspections that the technicians will identify a broken or loose part even before it starts producing such noises. All you need is to look for a specialist offering HVAC service Houston TX.

Our technicians at AC Man Houston are well-trained and highly experienced in this field. We work hard to keep your homes safe, comfortable, and cool during the hot and humid summer season. Be sure to call or contact us should your AC system starts ‘acting up’ or producing strange noises.

Finding Mold On Your Air Conditioner: What Next?

Air Conditioner Maintenance Houston: Dealing With Mold

Why are so many air conditioning systems impacted by mold? The answer to that question is simpler than you might think.

Mold thrives in dark, damp, and dirty environments. It’s a big problem which is why some people get advice from for what dehumidifier can help them deal with mold. Dealing with mold is an essential part of air conditioner maintenance.

When mold spores move through the air, they seek out damp areas. Once they find the right spot, the spores begin to spread.

In my experience, a mold is more likely to appear on the outside of an air conditioner than the inside. It’s also more common to see mold on the outside of ducts than on the inside. Mold usually isn’t found internally. Instead, it is more likely to appear on truck lines, the exterior of air distribution plenums, and on supply air grills (images below).

If you’re trying to find a solution to your mold problem, there are a few questions you should be asking yourself.

First, you should figure out why water is forming around your air conditioner.

Once you’ve figured that out, you’ll want to find a way to get rid of the moisture.

If there’s no moisture, mold won’t be able to grow. If you can rid your air conditioner of water, mold won’t have a chance to grow. The moisture that is found on air conditioning systems often comes from condensation. Air conditioners combine cold temperatures with hot ones. Have you ever noticed droplets of water appearing on your cold beverages? It’s the same basic effect. The mold would appear on beer or soda cans too if we left them out for long enough.

Addressing A Mold Problem

If you want to handle a mold problem, you’re going to have to identify problem areas first. Here are some of the areas that are most likely to be impacted:

  • Supply Air Grills
  • Supply Plenums
  • Trunk Lines
  • Flex Ducts

Thankfully, every one of these problems has a cure. If you’re trying to take care of mold on air grills, you could replace the grill in question. You should also make sure the grill has the right fit.

If you want to take care of supply plenum mold, you may want to replace the plenum with something that has a higher insulation value. You may also want to have a professional remeasure your duct sizing.

If you have mold on your trunk lines, your first step should be to replace the duct board. You could also try increasing the value of the insulation. Eliminating cold air leakage is a great first step.

Lastly, if you’re trying to deal with flex ducts mold, you should make sure that the ducts aren’t touching. If possible, you should keep a dehumidifier near the ducts. You may also want to have a professional measure the ducts and improve the airflow in the area.

It is more than possible to prevent mold from developing on your air conditioner. As long as your air conditioner is properly installed and maintained, you’ll be able to avoid issues like these. Air conditioning mold problems are completely preventable. Look into air conditioner maintenance Houston today.

If you have mold on your air conditioning system, you need to take care of it right away. Mold can cause many negative effects. It’s better to treat the problem sooner rather than later.

Call or contact AC Man Houston before it’s too late! One of our HVAC specialists is waiting and ready to address your mold issue! For an in-depth look at the services we provide, visit here.

When To Know You’re In Need of AC Repair in Houston

4 Telltale Signs That Your Air Conditioner Could Be In Trouble

Within the state of Texas, we are all used to endless heat and temperatures getting to an unimaginable peak in the middle of the summer. When this happens, it is crucial that you have an air conditioning system that is efficiently operating and fully functional.

Have you had your system checked within the last year or six months? If so, and you have a heat pump, your cooling system will have a decent chance of surviving throughout the season without a drop in efficiency or many issues. However, there is little that even professional maintenance can help to avoid some issues calling for professional HVAC contractors Houston TX area. This is why you need to know what to look for when there may be signs that your system is in trouble:

AC Man Houston | AC Problems in Houston1. Funny Noises

By now, you probably have a good idea of what your air conditioning system sounds like each day when it is on. There will be a regular cycle where the compressor turns on and then shuts down, and you also have the fans humming. What you need to look for is any sort of unusual noise amidst the regular sounds.

Unfamiliar or strange sounds can be an indication that something is going on inside your cooling system. For example, a clanging or clattering can mean that the mechanical elements are loose. Any hissing can mean that the refrigerant is leaking or coming out of the system. With any screeching or grinding noise, it could be telling you that the motor is wearing down and it could potentially burn out and then render your cooling system completely useless.

2. Short-Cycling

This is a process where the compressor will shut off and then come back on quickly. Listen to the compressor, and if you hear it going on and off around every 15 minutes, it is best that you contact HVAC contractors Houston TX, because it is likely something is wrong.

There could be several causes for your air conditioner short-cycling. There could be an air filter that is clogged, so be sure that you change it out every one to three months as needed. It could also be the loss of refrigerant, a miscalibrated thermostat, or you could have an air conditioner that was not properly sized when it was installed.

3. Uneven Cooling

This may be a sign of air conditioner trouble that is less noticeable than others. When you have one or more rooms in your home that are not getting the same cooling level, you need to have it checked because the chances are good that something is wrong. There could also be issues with the windows needing weatherstripping or problems with inadequate insulation.

There could also be breaches in your ductwork, where conditioned and cooled air is leaking into other unoccupied spaces instead of getting into the rooms that require it. Another cause could be that the AC system is not getting cooling power due to refrigerant loss. Our qualified HVAC technicians are able to check everything out and find out what the source of the issue is.

4. Foul Smells

When your air conditioner comes on for the first time after being through the winter season, you can expect some dusty smells. This is completely normal, as this is only the dust that has built up in the ducts throughout the slower season and into the beginning of the spring.

This odor should completely go away in just an hour or so, meaning that if it goes on the past that, it is very likely that the motor could be overheating and starting to burn out. There could also be an indication that there is some sort of electrical problem, so you need to shut the air conditioner off and call our HVAC contractors Houston TX for an inspection and repair as soon as possible.

Whenever you want quality air conditioning service you can count on, simply call our professional HVAC contractors Houston TX area today!

Does Your AC Need Repairs? What To Look For

How To Know If Your AC Needs Repairs

One of the most important things that we often talk about here on our blog is the necessity of keeping on top of your air conditioning maintenance. Routine maintenance reduces the risk of needing expensive repairs by enabling us to inspect and adjust your system before major issues develop. However, even with regular maintenance to keep your system in top shape, there may still be a time when you’ll need professional AC services in Houston, TX.

The worst thing to could happen is for you to discover that a serious problem has developed when you need your cooling system the most. Our suggestion is to turn it on and test it well in advance of the hot weather if it’s been a while since you operated it. Turn it on, and take it on a “test run” of sorts, listing and looking for anything amiss. Here are some of the signs of a malfunctioning AC system that you should be aware of:

AC System Short Cycling

AC Man Houston | Houston AC RepairShort cycling occurs when your thermostat continuously turns your HVAC system on and off over a short period of time. This prevents the cooling system from completing the cooling cycle. Among the most common reasons that this happens is because the AC system is too large for the home that it’s installed in.

There are other issues that can cause short cycling also, such as leaky ductwork, stress on the compressor, or a malfunctioning thermostat. Any of these issues can cause an early system breakdown, which will require the services of experienced, professional HVAC technician.

Reduced Airflow

As your cooling system is running, walk to each room and check the vents for adequate airflow. Do you notice any rooms that don’t seem to be getting as much airflow as others? If one or more rooms seem to have sluggish airflow, something is likely wrong. The problem could be with the vents themselves, or it could be the air conditioner’s air handler.

Heated Spots

Testing your air conditioner on a relatively warm day is a good idea as it allows you to get a more accurate assessment of whether or not you have hot spots in your home. Hot spots are pockets of warm air caused by inadequate cooling inside the home. Verify that your room vents are not obstructed and are open and that they have proper airflow. If your vents are not the cause, it’s time to call for professional service.

Strange Noises

There should be no unexpected sounds coming from either the outdoor AC unit or the indoor AC cabinet. If you hear any shrieking, grinding, or unusual mechanical sounds, it can be an indicator that the motors are breaking down and need to be repaired or replaced. Clanking or rattling sounds could indicate loose parts, and hissing noises may indicate a dangerous refrigerant leak. As the homeowner, you’re typically going to be the first to notice unusual sounds coming from the cooling system. Don’t just ignore them, call the professionals in to take a look.

For the best Houston AC repair, contact AC Man Houston or call to schedule your AC inspection and repair services, and don’t forget our guarantee to you: we’ll repair before we’ll replace!

It’s Time To Have Your Air Conditioner Maintained By The AC Man

It Is Never Too Late for Air Conditioning Maintenance

Once again, temperatures may be warming up – to be completely honest, “Winter” did not actually last that long at all – however, if you haven’t yet had your air conditioner maintained, it is not too late! This is the perfect time to use this important Houston, Texas air conditioning service to get your climate control system prepared for the cooling season.

Your cooling system breaking down on you when you need it the most is the last thing that you want, and the very best way to make sure that it is ready for anything summer may have in store is by properly caring for it, this, of course, includes preventive maintenance.

The Importance of Preventative Maintenance

Homeowners who wait until they actually notice a problem before calling for professional air conditioning service will usually end up paying more for repairs the is they had acted sooner, on top of that the lifespan of their cooling system will be shortened. This is something that far too many people do and they believe that by avoiding HVAC appointments that are “unnecessary, they will be saving money.

AC Man Houston | AC Maintenance in Houston TexasTo be completely fair, most problems an air conditioner doesn’t usually give off warning signs until they have been around long enough to cause a system damage. By the time any odd behavior is noticed, it could be too late to prevent most of the damage that the issue could cause. It is a lot more cost-effective and convenient to schedule a preventative care appointment, this way and problems are caught early.

Typically, the beginning of spring is that best time for this important air conditioning service to be scheduled in our area, if not sooner. The reason we suggest this time, is because it will guarantee that your AC system is in the best shape it can possibly be in before it is subjected to the additional strain of summer use. That being said, if an early-spring maintenance appointment is skipped, it is not too late for one to be scheduled later, and it will be beneficial if you do.

Schedule Repairs When Needed

Our technicians, during your appointment for preventative maintenance, will fully inspect your system to guarantee that it is clean as well as operating properly. This will include chosen for any minor repairs which may be needed. It is important that these repairs be scheduled as soon as possible, this will avoid them having a chance to turn into a much bigger, and probably more expensive, emergency.

It is also crucial that you remember that not a single air conditioner is immune to problems, regardless of how well you maintain it. Whether during maintenance it is recommended, or you suspect that it may need a repair, acting quickly is the best thing you can do. Some indicators that you may need AC repairs are unfamiliar and loud noises such as clanking or banging, insufficient cooling, lose air flow coming through your home’s vents, and hot spots around your home.

Although some of this can at times be fixed easily, airflow problems could simply be because of a clogged air filter so make sure that every 1-3 months you change yours, you may require a professional assessment to know exactly what is wrong and how to best repair it.

For the best AC repair in Houston as well as any other service needs, contact A/C Man Air Conditioning and Heating – before replacement, we opt for repair!

Getting To Know Your Air Conditioner in Texas

What Causes AC Condenser Problems?

Given the climate that we live in here in Houston, you use the air conditioner are a routine basis. You probably take it for granted more often than you should. You only tend to notice its absence when something goes wrong because normally you are aware of how to keep your home cooled. One of the most important components of the system is the unit that sits outside. This is called the AC condenser.

The condenser unit works to release the heat the inside unit absorbs. It pushes that heat to the air outside. Without a functioning AC condenser, the hot air inside your home has nowhere to go. If something goes wrong with this, you need immediate help. Reach out to AC repair companies Houston to keep the unit from getting damaged more. More damage can lead to needing a full AC replacement.

The Role of the Condenser

The fluid that transfers heat from one point to another is the refrigerant. When this leaves your AC’s compressor it moves through the condenser coils. It does this after it adds pressure to the refrigerant that it gets inside the home.

When this happens, a fan blows over those coils and cools them down. They release heat to the outside air and then lets the cool air go back into your home. When your condenser develops problems, it can seriously harm the AC or even stop it completely from cooling your home causing a full break down.

What Are Some Condenser Problems

Here are some of the possible causes of AC condenser problems. Some are more severe than others.

Outdoor Debris: Because the condenser is located outside it is susceptible to accumulating damage from lawn clippings, leaves, sticks, and gravel. Make sure you keep the area surrounding the condenser as clear as you can. This reduces the chance for this to happen. Any object, no matter how small, can enter the cabinet and damage the motor, fan blade, or the belt causing the condenser to become impaired.

AC Man Houston | HVAC Maintenance in HoustonRefrigerant Leak: As discussed above, the refrigerant is the fluid that moves the heat from one spot to another. It moves through the lines that connect both the condenser and the indoor evaporator. Homeowners believe that it is natural for the refrigerant to dissipate. However, the reality is that a loss of refrigerant is due to a system leak. The smallest leak can develop into a major problem because leaks cause drops in cooling powers. They are damaging to the condenser.

Electric Failure: The motor inside the AC condenser operates the fan and the compressor. Since it is operated using electricity, a relay or capacitor malfunction could impact the condenser operation causing it to stop working. This could also be due to frayed wires inside the unit. If the compressor does not turn on, the likely source of the problem is an electrical one. Address this issue immediately for the safety of everyone in the home.

A/C Man Air Conditioning & Heating is here for you so contact us now. We are among the top AC repair companies Houston that you can choose for excellent air conditioning services. Call now for your free estimate!

How To Keep Your Home Cool With Houston AC Maintenance

Stay Cool Through The Summer: Air Conditioning Tips And Tricks

Let’s face it, it gets really hot in the summer. Sometimes there are periods where it is not quite as unbearable as other times, but you can pretty much count on the fact that you will need to run your air conditioning at least some of the time. Therefore, it is important to get your unit ready for all the work it is going to be putting in this year. Setting up a maintenance visit is a great start.

You may also be dealing with a system that is no longer working. If that is the case, you will need to search for the best air conditioning companies Houston has to offer, so that you can get your unit replaced with a quality system. There are are a few things you need to think about going into the process to make sure you get the most bang for your buck.

For example, size is a factor. It can’t be too big or too small; it has to be just the right size so that it operates efficiently. The Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio rating is important as well. While most systems are reasonably efficient, there are still ways that you can save money going forward.

How To Lower Your Energy Bills

1. Maintain Your System

Central air conditioning systems have outdoor compressors. To keep the unit in good condition, make sure to remove any debris from the vicinity. For example, mulch, branches, and plants can all get in the way. Tree roots can also cause problems. While compressors are generally placed on concrete slabs, tree roots can still cause issues, depending on how they grow.

There are things you can do inside the home as well. Check each vent and make sure it is clear of obstructions. If you have furniture or other objects in the way, try setting up a new layout. If airflow is restricted, your air conditioner may have to work harder to get the job done.

2. Use Fans

Run fans in your home to keep air moving. This is particularly important even when the air conditioner is on. The fans won’t make the home cooler, but they can push the cool air around so that you feel better in your living space. You won’t have to set the thermostat as low, meaning that your AC unit doesn’t have as much stress placed on it.

3. Put Up Curtains

Curtains or blinds can keep radiant heat from seeping into the home. Therefore, think carefully about your window treatments.

4. Hire A Professional

You can maintain your system over time. For example, changing out the air filters is helpful. You should do this every 90 days or so, particularly when you are running your unit on a daily basis. There is nothing wrong with changing them out sooner, however, if you feel the need to do so.

AC Man Houston | Professional Houston HVAC CompanyHaving a professional come out and take a look at your system is also important. Our experts will examine your unit to ensure that it is working properly. We will clean it and put in new parts if necessary. We can also advise you on anything that needs to be fixed. It is always a good idea to make small repairs when necessary so that the issues don’t turn into big ones.

If you are looking for the best air conditioning companies Houston has to offer, get in touch with us today. We are happy to discuss your needs with you and get out to your property to take a look at the unit in question. Don’t wait until the weather gets unbearably hot; make sure your air conditioner is in good working order today!