Category: Heating Repair

How To Troubleshoot Your Furnace Before Calling A Houston Heater Company

Troubleshooting Your Furnace: 4 Quick Fixes To Try Before You Call A Professional AC Man In Houston

Would you want to spend $100 and then be told the obvious? You wouldn’t?

We didn’t think so. However, that is what frequently occurs when homeowners in Houston call us about furnace repair. The “problem” is often caused by a minor problem that could have been repaired, which could save themselves the expense of a service call.

If your furnace is not working the way that it should be, wait on the service call. First, try out the following 4 simple troubleshooting tasks. If they do not fix the problem, then call us for assistance.

1. Check The Thermostat For Problems

Is your furnace not turning on? First, check your thermostat and then do the following tasks:

  • Make sure that your thermostat is set on “heat” and not on “cool”
  • Also, be sure the thermostat is turned 5 degrees higher at least than the room temperature is.
  • Replace the battery on the thermostat
  • Open up the thermostat and blow out any accumulated dirt or dust. If your furnace is sometimes blowing cool air, you should check your thermostat fan setting in order to be sure it is on “auto” and not “on.” A furnace’s “on” setting” causes the blower to run continuously even when the air is not being heated by the furnace.

2. Check Your Furnace Filter

Is the furnace randomly shutting down? Does it run for long periods of time and seem to not heat your house? Is it weak air coming out of the vents? If so, then the furnace filter may be dirty.

When your system has a dirty furnace filter it restricts the airflow over the heat exchanger over the furnace, which can cause a number of different problems:

  • The heat exchanger overheats and then shuts down.
  • Soot may accumulate on the heat exchanger, which reduces the efficiency of your furnace. This reduces airflow that comes out of the vents. Which means that the furnace is operating, but you are never comfortable.

The owner’s manual for your furnace should show where the filter is and direction on how to replace it. Your filter should be checked once a month at least and then change it, as necessary. So when is a filter considered to be “too dirty” for you to keep? Hold your filter up to a light. If you are unable to clearly see any light coming through, then replace the filter.

3. Check The Shutoff Switches & Circuit Breakers

Is your furnace refusing to turn on no matter what the temperature has been set to? It might be turned on. The following are a couple of places to check:

  • Standard wall switch close to the furnace. It may look like a regular light switch.
  • Circuit breaker panel. Search for the switch that has a furnace label close to it. When the switch is in the center position, that means it is tripped. Turn the switch to “off” and then “on.” If that results in the circuit breaker tripping again, then you have another problem that needs to be fixed (such as having to replace the air filter.)
  • The front panel that covers the blower. Be sure the panel is shut closed all of the way. Under the panel is a switch that must be depressed in order for your furnace to work.

4. Open Up Any Air Vents That Are Closed

Homeowners frequently close the air vents in the rooms they are not using in order to save money.

However, when vents are closed in any room it actually causes the opposite to occur: it actually wastes money – and may also cause your furnace to shut off.


The size of your furnace is designed for heating up your whole house, including unused rooms. Closing vents will not reduce how much air is pushed out by the blower. It only increases the pressure inside the air duct system.

(Picture yourself attempting to run while breathing with just one nostril. You are still attempting to move around the same amount of air, but there is a lot more pressure that travels through only one nostril.)

The added pressure within the duct system can cause several of the problems that you might be experiencing:

Less comfortable – A majority of houses have air duct leaks, that allows for the escape of conditioned air. Extra air pressure inside of the ducts pushes out more air through the leaks – or creates even more air leaks. This means that less air is getting into certain parts of your house.

Furnace continues to shut down – The added pressure causes your blower to work at lower speeds. That decreases the air over your heat exchanger, which cause it to overheat and then shut down. That is like you have a dirty air filter.

Call or contact us today for more information.

Should You Repair Or Replace That Old Furnace?

Use These 3 Factors To Decide Whether You Should Replace Or Repair Your Gas Furnace

It’s sad to hear that your furnace is no longer working as it should.

The hard part, however, is making a choice between spending your money on repairs or a new replacement.

Keep the three essential factors listed below in mind when making this decision.

1. How Long Has The Furnace Been In Use?

If your furnace doesn’t have a long life ahead, you don’t want to be spending too much money on repairs. Before you decide, make a comparison between its average lifespan and its current age.

According to the National Association of Home Builders, the average lifespan of furnaces is estimated to be somewhere between 15 and 20 years.

If you don’t know how old your furnace is, use the following tips:

  • Inspect the unit for a year of installation. This information is written in furnaces by some installation technicians.
  • You need to switch off the furnace and give it some time to cool down before you conduct the inspection. Check for a metal identification plate, normally on the chamber door of the furnace. Copy the serial and model numbers there. To get a specific date on when the furnace was manufactured, contact the manufacturer using their customer service number.
  • You don’t have to replace the furnace if you find out that it was made more than 20 years ago. With proper maintenance, many, furnaces deliver reliable performance long after the 15 to 20-year useful life.

2. Replacement versus Repair Costs

Make a comparison of these two costs while considering the age of your furnace:

  • Furnace repair cost.
  • Furnace replacement cost.

Remember the following to ensure that you arrive at the correct repair cost, Seek numerous quotes.

To find out if you can save on repair costs by paying for labor and getting parts for free, remember to find out what the warranty covers and whether it is still has some time before it expires.

Replacement costs are determined by:

  • Your preferred furnace size
  • Your desired Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency level
  • Single or two-stage and type of blower
  • You might have to spend anything between 1,100 and 6,000 dollars on a new replacement.

As a rule of thumb, if the repair cost of your furnace is a third, or more, of the replacement cost and it has already been in use for two thirds, or more, of its useful life, you should seriously consider having it replaced.

For instance, it is better to replace your furnace, in the long term, if it has been in use for 15 years or more and requires an 800 dollar repair cost, versus a 2,400 dollar replacement cost.

3. Your Current Situation

The most important factor to consider is your current situation. Some situations and issues may relate to you:

  • Your available budget: Your budget, at present, may not allow you to spend big on a new furnace, making repairs your only option. However, if you really need a replacement but can’t afford it, consider seeking financing.
  • Huge energy Bills: If you are looking to start making savings on your energy bills, consider getting a replacement. Depending on the energy efficiency of the new furnace you stand to make savings ranging between 10 and 25 percent off your energy bills.
  • Your Expectations: You might be better off having your furnace replaced if you it always struggles to meet your expectations.
  • Frequency of Repairs: It is best that you replace an old furnace that is always in need of some sort of repairs, regardless of how much they cost.

Contact us now or call us today for more information!

What Sort Of Questions Should You Be Asking Your Houston HVAC Repair Company

HVAC Questions That You Should Ask Your Service Provider (And The Answers You Should Get) Part 1

Do you trust that your contractor will answer the HVAC questions that you have honestly? When you are looking for an HVAC service provider to repair broken equipment, do preventative maintenance or install your new unit, we know you will have some questions that you need answers to. Over our many years in business, we have been able to figure out the top HVAC questions that people are wondering about but are not comfortable to ask. That might be due to the fact that you don’t think you will get an honest answer from a service provider who only wants to sell services to you.

So today we will be giving you honest answers to some of the toughest HVAC questions that people ask. AC Man of Houston is the Houston metro area’s biggest HVAC service provider. We have been providing these services for over 60 years. Therefore, we have plenty of information about everything we are telling you. So go ahead, ask your HVAC company these questions and find out if they give you the same answers that we are giving you today.

Reliable answers to the main 5 HVAC questions

1. How long is my new air conditioner expected to last?

A majority of light commercial systems have been built to last for approximately 15 to 20 years. However, there are various conditions that may shorten their life expectancy. When rooftop and outdoor units get exposed to salt air and smog, since they are in Houston, build-up and corrosion of debris may damage the parts. This is also true when it comes to corrosive chemical exposure as frequently occurs in manufacturing plants.

Probably the most common thing that causes the early demise of an air conditioner is neglect. Your system needs to be cleaned and maintained on a regular basis to get the maximum life expectancy from them. that means twice per year at least (once before starting it up in the spring and then again in the fall when the system is shut down), you will need to have a certified HVAC professional to come out and tune up and thoroughly clean your air conditioner. Having an annual maintenance contract means you will receive the best price and get reminders.

2. Does it really pay off to spend money on maintenance on a regular basis?

As previously discussed, AC Man of Houston repairs and maintains thousands of HVAC systems each year (sometimes during the busy season it is every month) so our answer is based on our extensive experience. I promise that our customers who have a preventative maintenance contract, with well cared for equipment, experience few costly repairs and breakdowns compared to those who neglect replacing worn parts, tune-ups, and cleaning. Preventative maintenance not only helps you save money on repairs but also helps your equipment to last for a longer period of time.

It can also help save money on your energy bills also. When deposits and debris build up in your air conditioner’s fan blades, coils, and other parts, it results in the metal corroding, which can lead to refrigerant leaks and finally system failure. This results in a drain on your system, which forces it to constantly run to keep the area cool and to use more electricity during the process. If you clean the unit on a regular basis it will help to ensure that it runs at its optimal efficiency and will keep its parts in good condition in order to last longer.

3. Can Your Maintenance Staff Do HVAC Cleaning?

There are some cases where this is possible. If you have an air conditioner that has a heavy load, your cleaning crew could be able to dust the soils and remove debris from around the unit. However, you need to ensure that they do not use any liquids around the electrical components.

While this is possible, you will still need to have the system cleaned by a professional twice a year. Professionals have special chemical cleaners that will remove any scale and other buildup from the coils. They are also able to clean parts of the system that would be dangerous for the maintenance staff to work with including the fan blade.

Drain lines will also be kept clear by a professional cleaning and drip pants will be emptied to prevent mold. If you work with a certified HVAC technician, they will be able to check the electrical connections and refrigerant while inspecting the whole system for any wear. Potential signs of trouble will also be picked up by a professional and these are all tasks that you do not want to leave to the maintenance team.

4. Your Air Conditioning Unit Keeps Breaking Down, Should You Repair Or Replace?

There is no simple answer to this and you will need to take a number of factors into account when you make your decision. You need to consider how old the unit is. If it is older than 10 years, it would be better to replace the unit instead of repairing.

The maintenance that has been done on the unit is also important. If the system was regularly maintained, cleaned and serviced, you could probably keep it going for longer. This is particularly true if the parts are still in good condition.

What is broken will also need to be looked at. If you have a problem with the compressor or the coils ate leaking, you should replace because repairing will be expensive. If it is an electrical problem, you should consider repairing because this may be simple and inexpensive.

If your unit is using R22 refrigerant, you should look at replacing it. This refrigerant is being phased out by the EPA and you will need to replace the unit at some point.

5. How Can You Reduce The Expense Of The Air Conditioner In The Summer?

There are a number of ways that you can improve the energy efficiency of your air conditioning system. Some of these ways are easy such as replacing the filters and using a programmable thermostat. You should also ensure that all maintenance is being done including the cleaning of the coils and fan blade. This will keep your system running correctly and reduce energy waste.

You should also look at adjusting the temperature by a few degrees. You might be surprised at the amount that you can save by doing this. This is generally something that you should do when there are fewer people in the building.

Replacing your old system with a new one can also help you save money. A new unit will often use less electricity which enables it to pay for itself through your energy savings. If you know the SEER rating of your current unit, you will be able to calculate how much you can save. If the unit has a SEET rating of 8 to 10, a new unit with a rating of 18 will save you up to 50% on your energy bills.

How Do You Know You Can Trust Your HVAC Service Provider?

Unless you have worked with the provider for a number of years, it can be hard to determine if they are trustworthy. There are some companies that will show you what they are doing during their maintenance visits and this can help you trust them.

Contact us now or call us today for more information!

Houston HVAC Company Addresses Heat Pump Maintenance & Their FAQ’s

Learn More About How Houston Heat Pump Maintenance Can Benefit You

We’ve been discussing in our blog all month that heat pump technology is rapidly evolving, and heat pumps are picking up in popularity in colder climates. In fact, you may be considering a heat pump yourself, if you’re interested in:

  • Supplementing your existing heat system
  • Replacing your existing combined systems with one combined solution
  • Reduce your carbon footprint and boost your energy efficiency
  • Reduce your regular energy costs and enjoy the heat pump tax credit

However, if combining heating and cooling into one system concerns you, especially when it comes to maintenance, you don’t need to worry.

This week, we’d like to go through the questions that we get asked most often, as well as offer some standard heat pump maintenance tips to help you feel more at ease.

Do heat pumps require service?

Like any other heating or cooling system, your heat pump will benefit from regular preventative maintenance. The difference between a system that is well-maintained and a system that is neglected can range from 10% to 25%, according to

Heat pump maintenance on a routine basis will help ensure that the system performs at its best. It will also help limit damage to the components, including the compressor, making sure that your expensive investment is well protected.

Routine service limits the risk of the heat pump needing unexpected and expensive repairs, as well as helping the system to run more reliably.

What does it cost to maintain a heat pump?

The cost of maintaining a heat pump will vary quite a bit, depending on where you live, how often you have the service performed, the age of your system, and who provides the service.

To understand why the preventative maintenance is worth the ongoing investment, let’s examine the difference between the cost of this important preventative measure and replacing a heat pump after it’s gone bad.

The national average cost for residential heat pump repair ranges from around $350-$1250.

The cost of preventative maintenance on the heat pump averages $170, making this service both cost-effective and a smart option. You can also save on the price of this routine maintenance if you sign a contract for ongoing service with the same HVAC provider.

Can I troubleshoot my heat pump on my own and do my own maintenance?

You should definitely keep an eye on your heat pump for specific issues that commonly develop so that you can prevent future issues.

For example, the defrost cycle will typically run when it is quite cold outside. However, if you notice that the defrost mode keeps coming on, or stays on for more than fifteen minutes, it may be time to call in a professional to evaluate your system.

You can also keep your heat pump running at its best by taking care of routine tasks like dusting around the vents and replacing the air filters.

The reality is that preventative heat pump maintenance is not a job that you can do on your own. If you’re not experienced and trained, it’s very dangerous to work with refrigerant and high voltage electricity. You could wind up doing more harm than good. In these cases, it’s important to turn to a skilled professional for ongoing HVAC maintenance.

How often should the heat pump service be scheduled?

Professional heat pump maintenance should be scheduled at least once per year.

If you use the heat pump for the main heating and cooling system, as opposed to a supplemental system, it may mean that you need to schedule this service twice yearly – once in the spring and once in the fall.

Contact us now or call us today for more information!

Five Tips On How To Hire The Best HVAC Contractor

How To Locate And Hire A Reputable And Reliable HVAC Contractor

Your HVAC system is among the most expensive systems in your house and if you hire a reputable company to do the proper installation it will help to contribute towards making sure that it runs accurately and efficiently. Although you might be able to change the filters and check on the thermostat on a regular basis, there are certain situations such as routine maintenance that might convince you that you need to hire an HVAC contractor. We are experts at cooling and heating. If you are searching for an A/C installation in the Houston TX area, don’t hesitate to give us a call. The following are some tips to help guide you in choosing the best HVAC contractor for your needs.

Experience and Licensing

When searching for AC installation near Houston, TX, you should always take experience and licensing into consideration. Like we stated previously, the HVAC system is quite expensive. That is why it is essential that you make sure that the staff has had adequate training. Before hiring a company ask how long it has been working within the industry. Longevity will help to ensure that the contractor does a good job or you. Check to make sure that have a valid license from the Texas HVAC Contractor Licensing Board. This board issue licenses only to contractors with at least five years of experience within the field. Find out if their technicians have North American Technician Excellent (NATE) also. That will help to ensure that the technicians have received adequate training for handling the installation that you need to have done. You should also ask whether the tradesman has insurance. This will give you peace of mind in the event of something going wrong during installation. If you are a tradesman, websites such as cover for subcontractors insurance and more.

Ask For Referrals and References

Ask your friends and neighbors about the company’s reputation when it comes to AC installation. For example, if you know someone who has just had their AC done by LBA Services, you might want to contact them. You also should directly ask the company for referrals and then call them. Some important things that you will want to ask the references include; whether or not a clean installation was performed if the system was tested after it was installed to ensure it was installed properly, etc. You can also check online for any customer complaints and reviews. Check their Better Business Bureau (BBB) rating as well.

House Evaluation

A good contractor will provide a thorough evaluation of your home as well as advice on what the best cooling and heating solution is for you. Make sure they performed detailed duct inspections and load calculations for any leaks. The home’s square footage and R-value should be determined among other things by the contractor, and they should provide you with a written estimate for your budget.


A majority of homeowners assume the popular business or brand is the best company for the job. However, that isn’t always the case. Instead, you should get more information on the company that you are thinking about hiring first before you hire them.

Fair Pricing and Versatility

A good contractor will be knowledgeable on a broad range of models and makes and should feel comfortable working with them all. Fair pricing should be offered as well. But keep in mind that price needs to consider along with a number of other factors. Before you settle on one, get estimates from several different contractors. That is why the perfect air conditioning installation company in New Caney, TX should be charging you affordable fees.

Have you been wondering how to find an HVAC installation expert near New Caney TX or Houston TX? The five tips above can help guide you to finding a reputable and reliable HVAC contractor. Out staff are heating and cooling experts. If you are thinking about buying a new HVAC system or need to have an HVAC repair or installation done, call us today so that we can guarantee quality services to you.

Common Furnace Problems

Most Common Furnace Problems

Is your furnace blowing cold air instead of a blast of warm air? Are you experiencing a loud noise coming from your furnace and are not quite sure what to do about it? Such issues are a sign of problems with your HVAC system and will be the source of worry when the winter season comes knocking at your door. Knowing the common warnings can help you take the necessary corrective measures in good time so that you can have your furnace working in at optimal capacity. AC Man Of Houston came up with a list of the 4 most common furnace problems that people come across. The top furnace problems are listed below in no particular order.

1. Loud Grinding Noise

Scraping sounds that are similar to that of metal rubbing against another metal is a sure indication of something going wrong with the blower wheel. When the furnace starts making such a loud noise, then you want to switch off the machine and call AC Man Of Houston to check your furnace immediately. The issue with the blower wheel may vary so it is important to get an expert furnace repair specialist to come out and take a look. It could be that the wheel is loose and only needs to be tightened, that is if it is not damaged. If it is damaged, then the blower wheel will have to be replaced. The problem could also potentially be a broken motor mount which can be the primary cause for the entire blower assembly shaking.

2. Loud Bang When Your Furnace Kicks On

Know there may be several things going wrong when you hear your furnace making loud popping noises when it starts to run. The two likeliest culprits would be the ignitor or furnace burner are dusty, and this keeps the burning from igniting. The result of that is a buildup of gas in the furnace that then creates the loud noise. If left unchecked, it can eventually cause the heat exchanger to crack. Moreover, it is a notable problem that poses significant safety concerns and it must be taken care of immediately. Furnace repairs may require the replacement of the heat exchanger and can also help prevent a carbon monoxide leak which in many cases can be fatal. The cause of the loud bangs may also be due to the expansion and contraction of the air ducts when the system starts blowing hot air and then the cooling after that finally begins once the furnace is off. Most homeowners with HVAC systems that have metal ducts are not new to such an annoyance. If the cause of the loud noise is the air ducts, the issue at hand could be with obstructed vents, a clogged air filter or undersized ducts.

3. Whining Noise

In case the furnace produces a high-pitched sound, the problem may be with the shaft bearings that need oiling or with the blower motor or blower belt that are faulty. If you run the furnace seasonally, then it may be easy for you to pinpoint the problems and have them fixed. You may want to get advice from an expert furnace repair specialist from AC Man Of Houston. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us today. We are more than happy to help you with all of your furnace repair questions and concerns. We can help improve your indoor air quality today.

4. Furnace Blasting Cold Air

If the HVAC is producing cold air, then the issue may be due to a number of different reasons. The thermostat should be the first thing to check, which is also what any heating equipment technician will start with before looking at any other potential problems. You should check if the system is set to ‘auto’ and not ‘on’ so that the thermostat does not blow continuously and not releasing heated air. Setting it to ‘auto’ ensures that the machine only blows when the sensors can sense the need to heat up the air in the room. After the thermostat, the next thing to check are the air filters. Changing the filters every month is highly recommended because it keeps them from getting dusty and clogged up. The dust and blockage restrict the movement of air through the filters into and out of the furnace. The result of this is an overheated HVAC system which causes the equipment to stop working. The ductwork could also be the problem in that it may be installed incorrectly, it is leaking, or the wrong design was used. Such issues with the ducts could also cause the system to blow cold air and have it running continuously trying to achieve the desired heat or for a more extended period than expected to warm up the place. Besides the things mentioned above, that may be the reason behind your HVAC system blasting cold air, other causes of the heating inadequacy include normal wear and tear of the system.

For more information about common furnace problems and other related content, make sure to check our blog. If you would like to speak with a professional furnace repair specialist contact us today by giving us a call at (713) 460-2653.

The Most Common Issues Your Houston Heater Or Furnace May Face

Houston Heater And Furnace Problems You See The Most

Heating and air conditioning systems always seem to break down at the most inconvenient times. During the harsh winter weather, many people struggle to find a Houston heater repair company that can help them get their system back in running order. There are so many things that can go wrong, but a few particular issues seem to pop up time and time again.

AC Man Houston | Heater Repair in Houston TX1. Thermostat

Your HVAC system needs to have a working thermometer, because that is the instrument that indicates when it is time for the system to turn on and off. If it is broken, your fan may not turn on or you could feel warm air coming out. In addition, the system may simply shut down at inopportune times, meaning that your home environment isn’t the best.

2. Filter

You need to change your air filter on a schedule, because it is important to the overall functioning of your air conditioning system. If you let it get dirty, the air won’t be able to flow as well. The furnace is overworked and you may not like the end result.

3. Pilot/Ignition

The electronic ignition or the pilot both serve the same purpose; they are responsible for warming up the air. If they don’t work right, you may not get any heat from your system. If you do get heat, it will likely be intermittent.

4. Air Circulation

The filter has been discussed previously, and it is one of the main reasons why air doesn’t circulate properly. One of the others is a bad fan motor, as well as a broken belt. These two parts are normally the ones that break down, so technicians usually look at them first when they arrive.

5. Maintenance

You need to have regular maintenance on your furnace. It is a good idea to have a professional come out to look at the system once per year. You should also visually inspect the unit periodically. If you don’t do this, your system is more likely to stop working at a moment’s notice.

If you are interested in service for your heater, get in touch with us or call AC Man Houston as soon as possible. We’d be happy to help you!

How To Tell If Your Heater Is In Need Of Maintenance Or Repair

Is Your Heater Making These Noises? You May Need Professional Repairs!

Loud, strange noises suddenly coming from your heater can be incredibly worrying. Without fail, hearing something of that nature means that some sort of problem has presented itself. In some cases, you may be able to resolve the matter yourself, but otherwise, you’ll need the aid of an HVAC repair expert.

To determine whether you need heater repair in Houston, follow along with the guide on common furnace problems below:

AC Man Houston | AC Noises in Houston TX1 – Whistling

Whistling furnaces are most commonly associated with duct problems. Your furnace needs sufficient airflow at all times. If your ducts aren’t doing the job, you may need to replace them with larger models.

Before doing so, however, you need to check for any gaps in the ductwork. Duct gaps – particularly where the duct actually joins the furnace – are another common cause for furnace whistling. You should also make sure you don’t have a clogged filter, especially if the problem seems to have developed out of nowhere. A quick, simple test is to simply remove the filter to see if the whistling ceases.

2 – Rattling

Rattling is often a result of a loose duct. You should try reinforcing them with duct tape or extra screws. You can even try adding rubber pads or cork material under the furnace. If you need help lifting it up, a pry bar from your local hardware store will do the trick.

3 – Bouncing

If it sounds as if your furnace is bouncing, you likely have worn bearings. Naturally, you’ll need to replace them. In this instance, your best bet is to work with an HVAC professional.

4 – Banging

Banging sounds that seem to startup as soon as the furnace comes on are generally related to a number of potential issues. Check to see if you can determine exactly where the sound is coming from. If the ducts seem to be the issue, this is likely due to fluctuation that happens when the pressure inside them changes. Check for weak spots and screw on an additional piece of metal for more support.

On the other hand, you could also be looking at a possible problem with your gas-ignition. In this scenario, you might hear something that sounds like a small explosion when the furnace ignites. If you notice that the flame seems to change or doors shaking on the furnace, that’s generally a tell-tale sign. Of course, an issue of that level needs to be handled by a professional.

5 – Squeaking

Squeaking sounds coming from the furnace usually signify that the metal panning or ducts aren’t secure. You can repair this quite easily yourself. Simply reinforce, rehang, or replace the affected parts.

If you aren’t confident that you can fix a problem with your furnace yourself, that’s potentially for the best. You should always play it safe and work with a specialist to be sure that the job is done. When it comes to the local heater repair in Houston in particular, you can always rely upon AC Man Houston in particular. Feel free to get in touch with us by calling (713) 460-2653 or contacting us anytime you have a question or concern!

How To Handle The Strange Sounds Coming From Your HVAC Unit

Common AC System Noises: How To Handle Them

AC Man Houston | AC Noises in Houston TexasThanks to the ever advancing technology, air conditioners are more efficient and very silently. As a matter of fact, some of the newest models can run without you noticing they are even on. Nevertheless, the units still produce some sounds such as the initial click with switched on, or the humming sound when at a higher setting.  While some of the sounds produced are considered normal, it’s advisable to keep an ear for new/strange noises from these systems.  Some of the strange noises may be an indicator that something is broken or you have a malfunctioning part. This is just one of the many problems that may be posed with your HVAC unit.

Most HVAC systems kick into a higher gear when temperatures soar high above the standard setting. This puts an extra strain on the system, which may at times put it at risk. If the system has been producing strange noises lately, you then should have an HVAC repair expert run diagnostics.  Some of the strange noises you should take note of include:

1. Clanking and Banging

Banging and clanking sounds inside the AC system can be an indicator of a loose or broken part. Such shouldn’t be left unattended. The clanking sounds could be as a result of a faulty compressor. Turn off the system and contact a professional HVAC technician for diagnosis and repair. Leaving the system running despite the sounds could damage other parts of the air conditioner.

2. Clicking

Almost all HVAC systems click when the system comes on or goes off automatically. This happens as the system works to maintain the set temperature. Nonetheless, constant clicking sounds indicate something is wrong and needs to be checked. The system may click consistently if there’s an electrical issue, or if the thermostat is failing. Have an expert look into this to determine and address the issue.

Almost all HVAC systems click when the system comes on or goes off automatically. This happens as the system works to maintain the set temperature. Nonetheless, constant clicking sounds indicate something is wrong and needs to be checked. The system may click consistently if there’s an electrical issue, or if the thermostat is failing. Have an expert look into this to determine and address the issue.

3. Hissing

A malfunctioning valve or air leak may produce a hissing sound whenever the system kicks in. While you could seal the leak, a certified electrician may diagnose the main problem, hence prevent a bigger problem in days to come.

4. Grinding

Grinding noises from the system can be startling. While an expert may need to confirm the problem, these noises often surface when the fan motors start to fail. These motors are responsible for pushing air through the duct work, hence vital for the system’s cooling efficiency. The motors may have to be cleaned/serviced professionally, or replaced altogether to restore the AC’s performance.

5. Bubbling

Screaming or bubbling sounds from your AC system should be taken very seriously. These sounds indicate a possible refrigerant leak and the coolant is poisonous hence can affect your health. A leaking refrigerant could damage the entire unit too, which is why you need to have it checked immediately. Turn off the system as a precautionary measure, then have a professional identify the leaking part, seal it, then refill the compressor.

Detecting these sounds early and having any current issues handled should help your AC system last much longer.

Additional Advice and Support

Many of the strange noises produced by AC systems surface during summer when temperatures are at the highest.  This could also happen if the system isn’t serviced regularly. One of the best ways to reduce such incidences is having the systems serviced and maintained at least twice annually. It is during the regular inspections that the technicians will identify a broken or loose part even before it starts producing such noises. All you need is to look for a specialist offering HVAC service Houston TX.

Our technicians at AC Man Houston are well-trained and highly experienced in this field. We work hard to keep your homes safe, comfortable, and cool during the hot and humid summer season. Be sure to call or contact us should your AC system starts ‘acting up’ or producing strange noises.

Keeping Up With Your Heater During the Summer

Winter May Be Over, But That Doesn’t Mean You Can Neglect Your Furnace

When winter winds down and temperatures start to rise, it is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that you can forget about your heating system. At the beginning of the spring, cold weather and heater repairs are the last things on your mind.

As it turns out, however, putting off repairs until the following winter is generally a bad idea. The longer problems are allowed to fester, the worse they are likely to become. Also, don’t forget that your heater and air conditioner share the same ductwork. Any problems caused by your heater could affect your air conditioner as well. When it comes to heater repair Houston, homeowners are wise to take quick action.

Common Signs Of Trouble

Usually, heaters give off some pretty clear signals when they start experiencing problems. Although these problems may be hard to spot on your own, our expert technicians can quickly identify any underlying issues that need to be resolved. Catching these problems as early as possible can help keep the cost of repairs down by preventing more extensive damage from occurring. Keep your eyes peeled for any of the following signs of trouble:

  • AC Man Houston | Heater Maintenance During Houston SummerUnexplained noises coming from your heater. If your heating system suddenly starts making unusual noises such as squealing or banging, it could be a sign that there is something wrong.
  • Uneven or insufficient heating. If it seems like your heater isn’t providing as much heat as it used to or if certain parts of your house seem colder than they should be, there could be an issue that needs to be addressed.
  • Higher power bills. If you haven’t changed your heating habits but your power bills have gone up, there could be a problem that is causing your heater to run more often than necessary.
  • A yellow-tinted flame. If you have a gas furnace, keep an eye on the pilot light. It should look blue. If it takes on a yellow tinge, you should contact a repair specialist.
  • An unexplained loss of power. If you can’t get your heater to start at all or if it shuts off at strange times, there is most likely something wrong with it that needs to be addressed right away.

Common Causes Of Heater Problems

There are a lot of things that can go wrong with a typical heater. Some problems are easy to fix whereas others are more involved. Thermostat-related problems are one of the most common issues that homeowners experience. The good thing about a faulty thermostat is that it is usually inexpensive to repair or replace. The bad thing about it, however, is that it can also affect your air conditioning system. That is why it is important to get it fixed as quickly as possible.

There are a lot of other issues that can cause your heater to malfunction. In some cases, openings in your air ducts could be allowing heated air to escape. In other cases, the filters may have become blocked or the system may be experiencing a mechanical problem that prevents it from functioning the way that it should. The key is to get any problems addressed right away by calling in an HVAC specialist.

Even if it is incredibly nice outside, it is still important to take care of any heater repairs. Just because the heating season is coming to an end doesn’t mean that you can let things go until next year. By taking care of the repairs now, your heating system will be ready to use as soon as temperatures start to fall again in the autumn. Not only that but you can rest easy knowing that whatever problem you are experiencing won’t affect your central air-conditioning system as well.

Your best bet is to be proactive and take care of any problems the minute that you notice them. Reach out to us today by calling and our knowledgeable experts will be more than happy to help.