AC Man Of Houston Repair Services: The Things You Wish You Knew Before Purchasing An Air Conditioner

A/C Repair Solutions: Everything You Should Know Before Buying An Air Conditioner

It is easy to see why HVAC companies and stores that offer cooling units will be busier than ever once the summer season rolls around. Air conditioners are an essential appliance to have in your home, especially when you live in an area that is known for blazing temperatures. However, this is also the type of appliance that calls for a bit of dedication on your part as a homeowner. Not only is an air conditioning unit a big investment with maintenance and utility bills but you need to think about analyzing your needs. If you are thinking about buying a newer air conditioner, it is important that you think about all of the factors involved so that you can make the right decision. By making the best selection, you can lower the times you need to get air conditioner repair services.

Buying Your Air Conditioner

To start with, you need to stay away from buying such a unit from some sort of unknown seller. You need to go with a name that you know and trust so that you can be sure you have a unit that functions beautifully at all times. How can you know that you have the right air conditioner to give you everything that you need from a comfort standpoint? Do you have the ability to install the air conditioning unit on your own? When you think about buying online, you need to take the extra time to read through all of the feedback and reviews so that you can get some insight as to what others are saying. You need to know that most reputable HVAC companies are not going to install a unit that you bought online simply for liability reasons. For most people, buying from a trusted HVAC company and having them install the unit for you is the way to go. You want to make sure that you are investing in the best ac option so you can improve your indoor air quality.

What You Need To Know Before Buying An AC

Shop around for a company that offers a range of guarantees and come with the proper certifications for the products they provide. Never go with a company that is only willing to offer less than two years for maintenance. You want to have a company that is willing to take responsibility should something go wrong within a certain timeframe of installing the unit for you. It is important that you understand the dynamics and framework of your home so that you have the right air conditioning unit for your specific environment. When it comes to installation, you need to work with professionals that are able to get in and out in a timely fashion. Working with AC Man of Houston will give you all of the personalized attention that you need to have the right unit for your environment so that you and your family can remain cool and comfortable no matter what the temperatures may be on the outside of your home. We can work with you to save you money on your energy bills and cut down on the risk of potential damage in the future with a professional installation. You can even count on us for all of the help and advice that you may need when it comes to using your air conditioning unit so that you can make the most of it. When you make the right purchase you can avoid having to hire air conditioner repair services right away.

Choosing Between A Split Or Ductless A/C System

You are never expected to know all of the differences when it comes to the types of units that are available today. While a window unit may seem like an easier option, going with a ductless system will help you to enjoy the most efficiency. In many situations, homeowners will find that going with the most efficient way of cooling will be well worth it in the end. For example, if you are in a room where the windows are not ideal for a unit to be placed, opting for ductless will give you results without a lot of hassle.

Air Conditioner Repair, Maintenance, And Purchase Costs

Whenever it comes to this kind of an investment for your home, you need to be sure that you weigh all your options. AC Man of Houston will gladly go into detail regarding each option and work on a way to lessen the financial burden for you. It is always our goal to install the most efficient unit at a price that you can live with. If you need air conditioner repair services for your a/c, contact us today.

For more information, don’t hesitate to Call today or contact AC Man Houston for more.

The Most Common Issues Your Houston Heater Or Furnace May Face

Houston Heater And Furnace Problems You See The Most

Heating and air conditioning systems always seem to break down at the most inconvenient times. During the harsh winter weather, many people struggle to find a Houston heater repair company that can help them get their system back in running order. There are so many things that can go wrong, but a few particular issues seem to pop up time and time again.

AC Man Houston | Heater Repair in Houston TX1. Thermostat

Your HVAC system needs to have a working thermometer, because that is the instrument that indicates when it is time for the system to turn on and off. If it is broken, your fan may not turn on or you could feel warm air coming out. In addition, the system may simply shut down at inopportune times, meaning that your home environment isn’t the best.

2. Filter

You need to change your air filter on a schedule, because it is important to the overall functioning of your air conditioning system. If you let it get dirty, the air won’t be able to flow as well. The furnace is overworked and you may not like the end result.

3. Pilot/Ignition

The electronic ignition or the pilot both serve the same purpose; they are responsible for warming up the air. If they don’t work right, you may not get any heat from your system. If you do get heat, it will likely be intermittent.

4. Air Circulation

The filter has been discussed previously, and it is one of the main reasons why air doesn’t circulate properly. One of the others is a bad fan motor, as well as a broken belt. These two parts are normally the ones that break down, so technicians usually look at them first when they arrive.

5. Maintenance

You need to have regular maintenance on your furnace. It is a good idea to have a professional come out to look at the system once per year. You should also visually inspect the unit periodically. If you don’t do this, your system is more likely to stop working at a moment’s notice.

If you are interested in service for your heater, get in touch with us or call AC Man Houston as soon as possible. We’d be happy to help you!

What Problems You Can Expect From Your Houston HVAC Repairs

The Three Most Common Houston AC Repair Issues

Your air conditioning unit is a fickle machine, prone to issues particularly as it gets older. However, most of the problems that it faces are a result of an improper installation or the lack of maintenance. There are a few common issues that owners face, however.

Houston TX AC repair services deal with the following issues on a regular basis.

AC Man Houston | AC Repair in Houston1. Refrigerant

If you don’t have enough refrigerant, it is likely that there is a leak somewhere in the A/C unit. It is possible that there was an error during installation that resulted in the unit being undercharged. Regardless, an expert needs to come out and take a look at the issue. Refrigerant is a dangerous substance and requires a professional touch.

2. Evaporator Coil

Is your unit having trouble pumping out cool air? There could be ice on the evaporator coil. Most often, this is the result of air filters that are not clean. In addition, if airflow isn’t very good because the vents are closed, there could be an issue with ice as wel . In order to solve the problem, make sure the vents are not closed. Switch out the filters and then get rid of the ice on the coil.

3. Fuses

If the air filter is not clean, a blown fuse is often the result. Occasionally, all you need to do is change out the fuse. However, you may have a larger problem that you need to address. Ask a professional to come out and perform an inspection.

If your air conditioning unit is not working properly, or if you are concerned that there might be an issue, get in contact with a technician that can help you. They have the experience necessary to get the job done right, so why trust your unit to anyone else? Call us today!

5 Tips to Prepare Your Houston Air Conditioner for Spring and Summer

Prepping Your Houston HVAC System For The Seasons

Once winter is over and done with, it is time to prepare your air conditioner for the warmer months ahead. Maintaining your AC seasonally is important. It helps keep the indoor air pure and also keeps any allergens from getting inside as the weather warms up. Here are some tips the Houston AC maintenance professionals recommend following to get your air conditioner prepared.

Remove Outdoor Covers

Once the weather starts to warm up you want to remove your AC’s cover if it has one. If you leave it on, it could damage the system.

Check the Enclosure Panels and Coils

Make sure that your air conditioner is free of damage and in good working condition by clearing any debris from the condenser coils so that they function properly.

Change the Filter

The biggest cause of poor indoor air quality is dirty air filters. When the winter shows sign of giving way to spring, change out your filter and continue to do so once a month.

Clean the Air Ducts

An AC unit can underperform because of dirt, debris and pet hair getting in the air ducts. Clean them with a vacuum or a brush to get rid of blockages.

AC Man Houston | Spring AC Repair in Houston TXSchedule HVAC Maintenance in Houston

When spring begins, it is time to schedule a maintenance appointment with your AC professional. They will inspect the unit to make sure all components are working properly and they will clean it.

If you are ready to get your AC system ready for the warmer spring and summer months, contact the AC Man Houston experts. We have comprehensive repair and maintenance services that will suit all of your AC needs. Give our Houston office a call or contact AC Man Houston now to set up an appointment or to get your HVAC questions answered.

An Electronic Filter Monitor Is Useful For Your Houston Air Conditioner

The Benefits Of Using An Electronic Filter Monitor

If you live in Houston, then you want to take care of your air conditioning system. Part of doing this is taking care of your air filters, which trap dust, dirt and other allergens. They do need to be replaced from time to time because if you don’t replace them, then your system may slow down in terms of efficiency, and you might have to contact a company that provides AC repair in Houston TX.

However, it’s easy to forget that you have to change your air filter. With that said, there is something you can do. You can invest in an electronic filter monitor.

AC Man Houston | Air Conditioning Filters HoustonWhat Is It

An electronic filter monitor is a device that tracks your air filter’s status. It tracks how well it is working and it will alert you when the filter doesn’t filter as good as it should be. In fact, as soon as your filter stops working as good as it should, you will be alerted.

There are various models to choose from. Some are capable of sending you alerts via text or email. This is convenient because real-time reporting allows you to take action as soon as you’re notified about your air filter.

How Can An Electronic Filter Monitor Help

You’ll be able to keep an eye on your system. Before potential issues with your filter occurs, you’ll be able to take action. This means you won’t have to worry about losing cold air during the summer or breathing in harsh allergens and debris by accident.

If an air filter is too dirty and clogged, then your AC system will be forced to work harder than necessary. Eventually, your energy bills will skyrocket. By keeping an eye on the status of your filter, you’ll be able to make sure your system is running as efficiently as it should be running.

If you need AC repair in Houston TX, then contact a professional. They will be able to help you with any issue you have with your system, including your air filters. Contact an expert today or call AC Man Houston and they’ll be more than happy to answer any questions you have.

HVAC 101: The AC Evaporator

Understanding Houston HVAC Parts- Evaporator

This blog series is devoted to exploring and describing the parts and functions making up your air conditioning system. This will help you get a better understanding of how these components work together and will help you take good care of your HVAC system and prevent the need for Houston TX HVAC repair.

This blog looks at the air conditioner’s evaporator. Here are some related Articles:

Understanding HVAC Parts in Houston – The Condenser
How An Expansion Valve Works

AC Man Houston | Houston HVAC PartsWhat An Evaporator Does

The evaporator is located in the top of the system unit and is comprised of coils. This is the case for most air conditioners, but not all. Refrigerant will goe from the condenser to the evaporator in its cooled, liquid state.

Once the refrigerant is there, it meets with low pressure. This low pressure turns the refrigerant into a gas. The gas then absorbs heat from the air. It is the absorption of heat that cools your home’s inside. Once this process is complete, the gas goes back tot he condenser and it happens all over again.

Why The Evaporator Is Important

Without an evaporator, the air conditioner would not cool the air in your house. When the evaporator turns the refrigerant into gas, it allows the refrigerant to do its job of getting hot air out of your house.

Maintain Your Evaporator

Your evaporator works hard to keep your home cool. This is why it is important to maintain it. The first step is to keep the coils clean. If they are not clean they trap dirt and block the absorption of heat. Coils should be kept clean even during winter. Moisture on the evaporator can freeze causing it to perform inefficiently.

If you ever notice a change in the way your air conditioner cools your house, get in touch with an HVAC expert at AC Man Houston or you can call us now for immediate assistance. We will schedule an appointment for either a repair or maintenance to keep your home as comfortable as it needs to be.

Understanding HVAC Parts in Houston – The Condenser

Whether summer is well underway or you merely live in a warm climate, you probably have your air conditioner on more often than not. (That’s especially true in the Houston area!) Unfortunately, it’s easy to take an amazing machine like an AC for granted. We tend to act as if they’ll always turn on without a hitch, but all of the intricate inner workings are prone to developing several problems over time. For instance, just take the all-important condenser into consideration.

Related Articles:

How An HVAC Expansion Valve Works

What Does An Air Conditioner Condenser Do?

AC Man Houston | Houston AC RepairAs your HVAC system chugs along in an effort to cool down the air in your home, it actually absorbs the heat within the room and then releases it outside. This ever-important action relies largely upon the condenser. The part of the unit facing or located outdoors generally hosts this part so that it can dispose of the absorbed heat properly.

As liquids are turned into gases, there’s a natural degree of heat absorption. On a scientific level, this is precisely what’s going on as your air conditioner works to cool you down. It also has liquid refrigerant that works in tandem with an evaporator to take the heat away. Once this happens, the liquid can turn into a gas. The room can’t be cooled without the absorbed heat being released, however. That’s precisely where the condenser comes into play.

As the gas form of the refrigerant is put under a specific amount of pressure, the heat can then be released outdoors. The refrigerant then turns back into a liquid. It all sounds quite complicated, but the basic premise is quite simple, and a well-kept HVAC system can handle the job without issue.

General Condenser Maintenance

As alluded to earlier, the inner workings of an air conditioner are quite intricate, and one part relies on the next for the entire system to remain in working order. Some of the essential parts are the fans, coils, motor, tubes, and so on. After repeated use and years of wear and tear, these parts can break down. The condenser, of course, is no exception.

If you want to keep this from happening, be sure to clean it on a fairly regular basis. Otherwise, debris from the elements outside will build up quite easily. Cleanup is as simple as spraying the part with a water hose, so there’s no excuse to let it slip by.

You should also do your best to cut down on the amount of debris that might come into contact with the condenser. This means cleaning your yard regularly as well. Make sure to remove any leaves, loose grass, and stray limbs that might be nearby.

If you take good care of your condenser and you notice it’s still having a hard time, it’s likely time to consult a professional. AC Man Houston is proud to provide you with the best AC repair in Houston TX. Feel free to get in touch as soon as possible and an appointment can be arranged to see precisely what can be done to keep your AC in tip-top form. Call today!

How An HVAC Expansion Valve Works

HVAC Parts 101: The Expansion Valve

Among the various comfort appliances that we have in our homes and businesses, the vast majority will reckon that the central air conditioning system is indispensable. Cooling our homes in the host summers make their presence ever-more appreciated. However, the entire system could not work properly without the various components and parts working together and properly to keep your home or business cool all year. It is thus important for homeowners and business owners to have at least a passing idea of the various components of the system or you may end up needing Houston TX AC repair.

Herein we are going to delve into the expansion valve, which is an integral part of the system.

What Is An Expansion Valve And What Does It Do

To understand what an expansion valve is, you need to first understand how the cooling function of AC systems works. Air conditioners usually work by moving a refrigerant throughout the HVAC. The refrigerant changes from liquid to gas back to form a complete cycle. In this regard, the cool liquid refrigerant is pumped into the house or business premises, where it absorbs heat.

Due to absorbing the heat, the refrigerant turns from liquid to gas. The gaseous refrigerant moves to the exterior portion of the HVAC where the absorbed heat is released, cooling the refrigerant and turning it back into a liquid.

However, even though at this stage the refrigerant tends is cool, it is usually never cool enough to absorb heat once it is pumped into your home or business as the temperature difference is usually negligible. This is where the expansion valve comes in. The Expansion valve expands the liquid refrigerant by rapidly reducing the pressure under which the liquid is in, cooling it very fast.

AC Man Houston | HVAC Maintenance in Houston TXCharacteristics Of A Failing/Failed Expansion Valve

These are the sign that the expansion valve is faulty:

  • Frozen coil
  • Constantly running system
  • Lack of cold air from your A/C

Fortunately, this part of the AC system can be cheaply and easily be repaired or replaced. Professional Houston TX AC repair will get your underperforming or faulty expansion valve working properly within a short time. Call today or contact AC Man Houston if you suspect your expansion valve is faulty.

Helping Harvey Families And Businesses With Our Reduced Pricing On Professional Flood Inspections

Many families in Houston and the greater Southeast Texas are reeling from the effects of Hurricane Harvey. Aside from the emotional stress that such families are going through owing to the destruction of their houses and businesses, there is also the daunting task cleaning up and reconstructing their lives.

AC Man Houston | Helping Hurricane Harvey VictimsThe widespread flooding has resulted in extensive damage to home utilities and appliances including HVAC systems. While spending time and or money on your HVAC may seem understandably as a trivial matter at this point in time, it is, however, beneficial for you to gauge the extent of water damage to your system. This will help you salvage each and every part of the system that is in good working order, thus reducing the repair and/or replacement cost in the future. The service will also help you gain an understanding of the amount money will need to get your HVAC system to a working order.

Being cognizant of the benefit that inspecting your HVAC system has as well as the strenuous such families are going through, we are offering Hurricane Harvey victim professional HVAC inspection for just $65. Additionally, for homeowners who do not have their HVAC system covered, we are offering a further 20% discount.

The aim is to let you concentrate on the aspect of the cleanup that you are familiar with while we help you gain an intricate understanding of your heating, ventilation, air conditioning system. With this particular deal, we want to support your family, neighborhood, and the entire city of Houston.

Our service areas among other areas include:

  • Katy
  • Sugar Land
  • Spring
  • Bellaire
  • University Place

While this is just an inspection service, we assure our clients the best services possible. We have ample experience in the HVAC realm, with skill and knowledge pertaining to a wide range of HVAC systems and models from many different companies. Our technicians are also capable of handling HVAC system designed for business premises as well as residential properties. Thus, with our HVAC inspections in Houston, you can rest assured that you will get you a thorough understanding of the condition of your HVAC system.

To schedule our inspection services, call us or contact AC Man Houston today! You may also visit here to view a list of the services we provide.

Knowing When Your AC Filter Should Be Replaced

What You Should Know About Your Air Filter

Whether it’s an AC system in your home or car, the chances are you’ve had to change the air filter. Air filters trap dust and other types of allergens from circulating in the air of your home. If you live in Houston, then you know how hot it gets and the last thing you want is to breathe in such things. With that said, let’s discuss how air filters work and how you can keep them working for a longtime to come.

AC Man Houston | Replace Your Houston AC FilterHow They Work

Air filters do a lot of things. Most filters sit right between a cardboard frame and they were made with spun fiberglass. Filters play a role in keeping your air clean because it filters the dirty air that your HVAC unit brings in.

Particles such as animal fur, dust, pollen, bacteria and mold spores become trap by the fiberglass material. However, you do need to change it regularly. Doing this will ensure the air stays as clean as possible and free of particles such as the ones previously mentioned.

Maintaining Your Air Filter

Allergens and other particles will make their way into your home if an air filter is dirty. Not only that, but free air flow from your HVAC system may become restricted. This can increase energy bills due to the unit not working as efficiently as it should be working.

All you have to do is replace the filter or clean it. Don’t forget to check the filter once per month so you can either clean or change it. As a general rule of thumb, you should see light pass through the filter if you hold it up to a light.

Air Filter Issues

There are various issues that can be due to a clogged air filter. Your unit may not be working as good as it did in the best or the evaporator coils may be frozen. These things can be due to a filter that has to be changed.

It’s important that you understand your HVAC equipment. This can help you figure out what issues your unit has early on, which can save you money. If you need HVAC repair, Houston residents can rely on AC Man Houston. Contact us today or call AC Man Houston with any questions you have about your HVAC system.