Category: HVAC Maintenance

A Guide On How To Prevent Failure Of Your Houston AC Compressor

8 AC Compressor Failure Causes That Can Be Prevented In Houston

There many issues that can cause your air conditioning system to break down. Fortunately, not all of the fixes are expensive. The problem might be a loose wire that has caused your air conditioner to experience a power failure. Or your air filter might be clogged that is impeding air flow into your air conditioning system.

However, if your AC compressor failure causes the system to breakdown, then that is a major AC emergency service issue and a huge expense that you will be forced to deal with. The compressor is an expensive and critical component, and when it breaks down you might find yourself spending a lot of money on a new air conditioning unit.

Fortunately, up to 80 percent of AC compressor failure causes can be prevented if the problems that lead up to the failure are fixed in a timely fashion. During the regular AC preventative maintenance process, those problems can be discovered and eliminated.

What Is The Compressor?

The compressor on your air conditioner is frequently considered to the heart of the entire system. There are a couple of different reasons why it is a good analogy:

The compressor is one of the critical components that the system cannot function without.

Usually, it is very reliable, and if it did fail before the expected life span (10-15 years), it most likely will be due to an underlying cause that frequently could have been prevented.

If it does fail, it will be expensive and at times will be impossible to repair.

Just as your heart pumps blood throughout your body, the job of the compressor is to compress the refrigerant gas and then pump it throughout the system so it removes humidity as well as heat out of the air.

So now you see why it is so crucial to maintain your compressor in great condition. Now let’s take a closer look at some of the main things that may cause AC compressor failure and steps you can take to avoid them.

Issues That Cause The Failure Of The AC Compressor

When the AC compressor does fail, it frequently occurs based on an underlying problem that places stress on your system. There are two reasons why this is important to know:

By discovering the repairing of the underlying cause, it can help you prevent the failure of your AC compressor.

If a failed compressor is replaced without repairing the underlying cause, then your new compressor will also likely fail.

There are two common issues that can cause your AC compressor to fail:

1. Dirty Coils

Whenever grime, mineral scales, and dust build up onto the condenser coil, then the air conditioner will not be able to expel a sufficient amount of heat from the system and will be forced to constantly run in an attempt to cool down your home. The increased temperature and pressure may cause your compressor to overheat and then fail eventually.

2. Blocked Suction Lines

Whenever the refrigerant lines on your air conditioner become damaged or blocked, the first thing that you will notice is the unit is not cooling your home as effectively as it used to be. If you don’t fix the problem, then the increased temperature and pressure will once again cause it to overheat and the AC compressor will fail.

3. Low Refrigerant Charge

If the refrigerant lines on your system develop cracks or holes, the air conditioner will leak refrigerant. Soon the level will become so low the compressor is forced to work harder in order to pump a sufficient amount of refrigerant through its system in order to cool down your home. The strain will cause your compressor to break down eventually.

4. Incorrect Size Of The Suction Line

If leaks develop in the refrigerant line it will need to be replaced, and be sure to have the job done by an experienced AC technician. A line that is too small or too large for your system it may cause your AC compressor to fail prematurely.

5. Too Much Refrigerant

If an individual who is less-than-qualified works on your air conditioning system and mistakenly adds the wrong type or too much refrigerant, then it could be a fatal mistake for your compressor.

6. Electrical problems

When an electrical failure occurs that may result in acid builds up that may cause extensive damage to other parts along with the compressor. If you do have a failed compressor on your hands, be sure your technician tests to see if these acids are present. If they are discovered, the damage has been caused throughout the system by an electrical burnout that probably is not worth the money to fix it.

However, electrical problems are frequently preventable when your system is inspected by an experienced technician. He will be able to detect and repair damaged contractors, fuses, and wiring before your system breaks down and causes the AC compressor to fail.

7. Contaminants Inside Your System

The oil and refrigerant circulate throughout the refrigeration loop while the compression is operating. Over time, it can become contaminated with rust due to metal particles, desiccant, and moisture due to a failed compressor. Those impurities will travel along with the mixture of the refrigerant oil and settle through the system.

If a new compressor is put into a refrigerant system that is dirty, the new compressor will end up sucking in loose contaminant particles and will fail rather quickly. Inspect the expansion devices and oil for signs of foreign particles or grit.

8. Inadequate Oil Lubricant

To take our heart analogy one step further, consider the oil lubricant in your air conditioner as the blood inside of your body. If that is not enough, then the system will not work correctly and all types of problems may result, which include the AC compressor failing. When your system is maintained on a regular basis by a trained AC professional, this problem can be prevented by him checking the oil pump’s condition and lubricant levels.

Provide Your Compressor With AC Preventative Maintenance

If you care for your compressor properly, it will do a good job with the air in your home by providing you with reliable, consistent cool. This means your air conditioning system should be serviced twice a year at minimum, by an experienced, knowledgeable technician such as AC Man Houston. Then you will know they have the necessary expertise to detect and prevent problems that may cause your AC compressor to fail.

Were you aware that you can get the best deal on your AC preventative maintenance if you invest in an annual service contract? That will also provide you with a maintenance plan that is specifically designed for your budget and needs. Would you like to learn more? Check out our free guide. For dependable AC repair service call on AC Man of Houston and let our experts assist you with all of your AC repair, replacement, and maintenance service need. We can service all makes and models of air conditioning systems, You can rely on us for a wide range of air conditioning services other than window units. We are one of the very companies that are certified. We are one of the very best around!

Contact us now or call us today for more information!

Houston AC Unit That Is Frozen: How To Solve This Problem?

How To Repair An AC Unit That Is Frozen In Houston

Of course, you would like your air conditioner to keep your home cool, but what happens if there is a malfunction and your air conditioner freezes up?

Although it might seem counter-intuitive for an air conditioning system to freeze when it is operated during the hottest weather, it can happen and does occur every year to many unprepared homeowners. On a very hot day, a frozen air conditioner might leave you and your entire house very uncomfortable.

Has Your Air Conditioner Frozen Up?

The very first sign that there might be ice buildup in your air conditioner can be when your system is not reaching your desired thermostat setting. You might notice it in the upstairs part of your house more quickly. If the air conditioning system is not properly cooling your home, put your hand over a supply register to see if you feel any air coming out of it. If the air is warm instead of cool, turn the system off and open up the evaporator’s access panel (for the evaporator’s location, check the manufacturer’s system diagram). If you notice there are frozen ac coils, or if any of the panels or equipment are encased in ice, your system’s refrigeration might have dropped under 32 degrees, which can result in a frozen AC.

What To Do When Your Air Conditioner Freezes?

Quite often, you can defrost the AC unit on your own. If you think there is a frozen evaporator coil you should not run the air conditioner since that can place strain on the compressor and cause it to become damaged and burn out. Locate the electrical breaker box and then turn the switch off that controls the power on your air conditioner to get the thawing process started on the coils. The process can take as long as 24 hours. You also can just turn the system off and turn the blower on to help thaw out the evaporator coils. Or you can just turn the system off and turn on the blower to help thaw out the evaporator coils. It is better to not attempt to clear away the ice by hand since that can end up damaging the components. After the coils and condenser have thawed, any standing water should be removed that might have pooled around the AC equipment.

Once the system has thawed out, the coils will need to be dried. If you haven’t turned the system’s blower on yet, restore the system’s power if necessary, and set the control on the thermostat to operate the fan or blower only. That will help to circulate air throughout the coils and system. You also might be able to speed the process up by using a hair dryer that is set on low. Just be careful to not use high heat or get too close to the unit’s coils with the hairdryer since that could potentially end up cracking them.

How Do You Repair A Frozen Air Conditioner?

There are a number of different things that can cause a frozen air conditioner and might require the expertise and experience of a qualified HVAC technician to repair them, but there are some things you can try to do on your own first.

1. Check Out The Vent Filters

Examine the vent filters to find out if they are clogged. That can restrict air flow. An air conditioning system may freeze due to a dirty filter. If the filter looks discolored or dirty, change them and then seek if that solves the problem.

2. Inspect The Fins and Coils

You also can inspect the cooling fins and coils around the evaporator to find out if they are dirty and need to be cleaned. If they use, gently remove any debris or dust using a soft brush. Check to see if all of your home’s supply registers are open in every room. Blocked registers might restrict air flow and that can affect the temperature of the evaporator and cause issues.

3. Check The Coolant Levels

If the coolant is low that can also affect the cooling efficiency and pressure of the AC system, which can cause the unit to freeze. At your local home improvement store, you can buy a coolant installation kit to check the refrigerant levels on your system and correct the levels. Call a professional HVAC technician if you suspect that your system has a refrigerant leak.

4. Reset The Power

After you take the proper steps to thaw out and correct the frozen ac unit, conduct a test to see if it once again cooling properly. If you have shut off the breaker, restore the power and turn down the thermostat to cool. After a couple of minutes, you should start feeling the cool air blowing out of the vents. If the system cycle for a really long without reaching your desired temperature or the air is warm still, there might be additional damage to your unit or you might have a refrigerant leak, then you will need to contact a qualified HVAC technician for assistance.

How Can You Prevent Future Frozen AC Lines?

Although a frozen ac might be caused by damaged equipment or malfunctions, some issues can be avoided by proper maintenance. Keep your evaporator coils clean, since dirty coils may restrict the airflow across them. Your system’s air filters should be replaced on a regular basis. Most manufacturers recommend that you change the air filters every three months at least. However, you might have to change them more often if you have pets. Set reminders on your computer or phone to remind yourself to change the air filters, or link your air filter changes with other regular home maintenance tasks. When you buy filters, purchase several at the same time so you have extra ones on hand to change them. Keep your air supply registers open to have good air circulation and flow, and then have your HVAC professional show you where the refrigerant lines are located on the system so you can check them on a regular basis to ensure they are not bent or blocked.

It is also good to keep shrubbery and trees trimmed away from your outside equipment in order to avoid leaves, twigs, and branches from getting into the system and cause problems. Consider getting your HVAC equipment serviced and inspected every year by an experienced technician who can assist you in making sure your system is properly maintained and might be able to troubleshoot any potential problems.

Keep in mind that, along with helping to avoid problems such as frozen systems, providing your air conditioning system with proper maintenance can also help to ensure that your unit runs efficiently, and that can help to reduce your cooling costs. If you discover that your system needs to be repaired, AC Man Houston can help to protect your budget from the costs that are associated with getting your AC unit back on track and operating properly once again.

Call or contact us today for more information. Visit our blog for more related articles.

How To Save On Houston Air Conditioning By Keeping Things Chill

Top 15 Ways To Keep Your Home Cool With No Air Conditioning In Houston

Warmer months can be particularly hot making you want to sit close to the fan or crank the AC up. While the trick may work, it isn’t the most convenient way to keep your house cool. Turning the AC up only leads to increased energy consumption hence higher electricity bills. Outlined below are a few ways you can keep your home cool and comfortable without air conditioning.

1. Keep blinds closed.

While it may seem like nothing, keeping your blinds closed helps block excess heat from entering your home. Opening the windows and doors equates to around 30% of heat gain in your house, Family Handyman. Keeping these closed and using shades, curtains, and blinds can help keep your home cooler for longer, thus saving you at least 7% in energy bills. Keeping blinds closed prevents the greenhouse effect, a typical case in west and south facing windows.

2. Use blackout curtains.

Blackout curtains create an extra layer of insulation around your windows by blocking direct sunlight. Consider investing in neutral-colored curtains with white plastic backings for better results. According to Consumer Reports, this helps reduce heat gain by up to 33%.

3. Keep your doors closed.

Any entries that aren’t in use, especially access doors, should be kept closed at all times. This helps prevent hot air from getting in the house, as well as prevent fresh air from escaping. You can, however, open these doors in the evening when the air outside is cooler. This should help keep the house fresh and cool.

4. Switch the fans on.

The AC isn’t particularly efficient when the weather is too hot. Fans, however, help keep the air around you in motion, thus giving you a faux sea breeze. You can even hack the fan by placing a bowl of ice in front of the fan facing you. You will be surprised at the extra-chilled air being blown your way through the ice bowl.

5. Swap sheets.

Changing your sheets often helps keep the room fresh, and is healthy for you as well. Swapping the current sheets with those that promote cooling should help keep you comfortable while asleep. While flannel sheets and fleece blankets are good for insulation, cotton sheets are a better option. This is because cotton breathes easier and stays cooler than any other material. You might also want to add one or two buckwheat pillows for extra comfort and cooling.

6. Set The Ceiling Fan To Anti-Clockwise Rotation.

Some people believe the ceiling fan only rotates in one direction. What they don’t know is that it can turn in all directions. The direction of the fan needs to be changed seasonally for improved efficiency. Setting the fan to turn anticlockwise creates a wind-chill breeze that helps cool your home.

7. Lower your body temperature, not the houses.

Air conditioning units were a fantasy several decades ago, and yet our ancestors still survived. Doing it their way by drinking lots of water, and especially iced drinks will keep you cool for several hours. You can also apply a cold cloth on your neck and wrist to drive the temperature down even farther. You might also have to change to lighter clothing as well. Dipping your feet in a bowl of cold water should help lower your body temperature as well.

8. Turn on bathroom and exhaust fans.

Exhaust and bathroom fans are designed to pull hot air out of the house. Turning them on will help get rid of the hot air paving the way for a cool breeze.

9. Heat-proof your bed.

Use a cool chillow as a pillow when you go to bed. Keep your feet cool by placing a bottle filled with cold water at the foot of the bed. If this doesn’t seem to work well, dampen your sheets by popping them in the freezer, and only take them out when you go to bed. This should help keep you cool for some time.

10. Sleep low.

According to science, hot air rises. That said, sleeping low might help keep you cool through the night. One way to do this is by sleeping on the couch downstairs, or even in the basement. If this isn’t enough, put the mattress on the floor. Sleeping on the floor should help keep you cool and comfortable throughout the night.

11. Open the windows at night.

Despite the hot weather during the day, summer nights are particularly cool and chilly. You can, therefore, take advantage of the chilly air outside to cool your house. One way to do this is by opening the windows to let fresh air in. The fresh air should push hot air out too. You can take this a notch higher by using a fan to force the cool air in. Simply place the fan close to the window to help force fresh air in the house. Remember to close the windows and blinds first thing when you wake up.

12. Play around with the windows.

Did you know you can hack into your windows to create a cooling pressure current? To do this, open the top section of windows downstairs, then open windows the bottom part of the windows upstairs. Use a fan to push hot air through the upper windows. This effect can be amplified by hanging a wet sheet in front of the window, like a curtain.

13. Switch to CFL and LED lights.

Most households use incandescent bulbs for lighting. These bulbs not only waste energy but also release heat making your home warmer than it should. Replacing these with LED or CFL bulbs should however take care of the heat gain. LED and CFLs use up only a fraction of the energy hence lower electricity bills. Making the switch will also help keep your home cooler.

14. Do your grilling outside.

Many of us use the oven or stove for grilling. This only leaves your home hotter than it was. The last thing you want to do under the hot summer sun is turning on the oven. Consider grilling outside or in the backyard. It is much safer there.

15. Take on long-term improvements.

There are many ways of ensuring your home is cool and comfortable. Taking on long-term home improvements to make your home energy efficient will go a long way in avoiding the AC route. Simple things such as installing window films, planting vines and trees around the house, and adding awning near windows and other openings should help reduce heat gain in the house. These also absorb heat inside the house leaving it more comfortable than it was.

Please feel free to give us a call or contact us today! Also, we invite you to visit our blog for more related articles.

What Is The Life Span Of Your Houston Air Conditioning Unit?

How Long Does an AC Unit Last In Houston Texas?

Is your air conditioner giving you signs that it is about to quit? If so, you may be wondering if it has lived a full life or not. The average life expectancy of a central air unit is about 15 years. If the unit is well maintained it can last for 20 years.

To keep an air conditioner running well it has to be maintained. This involves a few simple steps. Get it tuned up once a year, change the filter out and keep the outside condensing units free of debris, dirt or leaves.

Another factor that determines the lifespan of your AC is where you live. An AC unit in Texas, for instance, will run about 24 hours every day. An AC unit in Indiana, however, only runs for a season. When an AC runs often it undergoes a lot of wear and tear. Even if you keep it maintained it will still fail a lot sooner than a unit that only runs once a season. If you live near an ocean, the salt air will rust the AC’s components out and cause it to fail soon. Never point sprinklers at the unit. This can also cause rusting to occur which is another way an AC unit can fail faster.

You know the saying that “you get what you pay for” is true. Keep it in mind whenever you buy an air conditioner. Buying an HVAC system is a significant expense. Do your research carefully. Make certain that you work with an experienced HVAC technician to determine which system is best for you.

You want the HVAC to last. So, you need to be sure to get a product that is built to last and get it from someone from a quality team. Ignore any company that sends a salesperson out while wearing an HVAC tech’s outfit. It’s a gimmick! At AC Man, we treat you with respect and do so without any gimmicks. Both the salesmen and technicians work to sell and service equipment fairly. They go over all your options in detail.

If your AC unit goes kaput – stay cool! Remain calm and collected – AC Man is here to help!

We are the first choice for Houston AC service and AC repair in Katy, TX as well as the Greater Houston area. You have choices when it comes to your heating and cooling service. We know that. This is why we go out of our way for our residential and commercial clients. We can service and repair all types of AC units from all top makers.

Our technicians are professional, courteous and knowledgeable. They will provide you with a detailed estimate that you approve before the work even begins. When the summer heat hits hard, you need your AC to be working optimally. Having a fully functioning AC unit is essential and it can be a true lifesaver. Do not get caught with an air conditioner that is on its last legs.

Our Highly Rated Air Conditioning Repair Services

Come to AC Man in Houston for complete and reliable air conditioning repairs. Our top-notch technicians can help you with every one of your AC needs including maintenance and repair, or replacements and routine servicing. We take care of all makes and models of air conditioners. Depend on us for a huge selection of central AC systems. We are proud to be one of the few companies around that have certification.

We are the best of the best. So many others just will not pass this test. If you have received quotes for low-quality AC units, consult with us. Your home must be a comfortable, safe place that offers plenty of space for your family to rest and relax. Do not let indoor air pollution spoil it. Did you know that indoor air pollution is one of the top five environmental dangers?

Give us a call today for more information or you can visit our blog for more related articles.

Helpful Tips For When You’re Looking To Replace Your Houston HVAC System

3 Quick Tips To Keep In Mind When Replacing Your HVAC System In Houston

AC Man Houston | Local HVAC Company | Professional Repair & MaintenanceWhile there are several factors you need to consider when choosing an HVAC system, the process is not that complicated. What matters is picking the right HVAC because such an investment is not one that you will make regularly. As such, you should be familiar with what’s available in the market, the efficiencies of the different HVAC, their maintenance or repair demands, and price ranges.

We always emphasize on the need to call us and schedule an appointment for your heating and cooling systems to be examined by an expert. But even before you do this, you need to be aware of a few things that you should do so that make an informed choice when discussing with our technicians. It is more fun and way better to be informed before you handle matters or topics you are less conversant with.

1. Review the HVAC system types.

Some of the HVAC systems available include the duct-free split system, geothermal systems, split systems, and the hybrid heat split systems among others. Go over there to know as much as you can about them and be in a position to make an informed choice. You can also review the videos you find to have some practical knowledge or the workings of the HVAC systems.

When armed with such data, you will be in a position to have a lively and informed discussion with the HVAC technician about various issues such as the SEER rating, heat pumps, geothermal systems, and the recommended tonnage.

2. Make the smart choice, consider a smart thermostat

Most of the electrical tech available today is automated, and now is the best time to consider investing in the latest HVAC systems. It is about time that you automated the operations of heating and cooling in your home or office. Gone are the days of having to stand around as you click on buttons trying to program HVAC systems and having to reset them.

With the latest tech, you not only have it easy, but you also get to save money and energy. If what you have in your home is yesterday’s technology that is not yet obsolete, it soon will be, and there is no need to wait until such a time. Make the right investment today and start saving energy, time, and money. Moreover, the current HVAC looks amazing and will be an addition to your home or office that will impress all that you welcome.

3. Maintenance plans are worth the money.

Would you buy that dream car and fail to check and change the oil or have it serviced? If not, then the same applies to your new HVAC. We know that some of the “specialists” out there will not be quick to recommend maintenance plans. Such a move would only see you planning to have a system starts to malfunction and stop working no sooner than it has been installed.

Do not be fooled into believing that maintenance agreements are self-serving for the HVAC experts. Such plans are customer-serving, designed to keep your HVAC units running smoothly. For us, they make work easier when we come to inspect the system and show that we are the guys to call for matters related to heating and cooling systems.

Find out more by visiting some related articles on our blog. Contact us or give us a call today for more information.